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Comment créer une commande Drush personnalisée dans Drupal
Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons apprendre à créer une commande Drush personnalisée dans Drupal. Pour cela, nous devons créer un module personnalisé. La structure du fichier sera comme ci-dessous
drush_command_example Commands CustomCommands.php drush_command_example.info drush.services.yml
1. fichier drush_command_example.info
name: Drush Command Example
description: This is our custom drush command.
core: 8.x
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9
type: module
package: ttn
2. Fichier drush.services.yml.
class: \Drupal\drush_command_example\Commands\CustomCommands
- { name: drush.command }
3. Fichier CustomCommands.php.
namespace Drupal\drush_command_example\Commands;
use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;
class CustomCommands extends DrushCommands {
public function printMe($text = 'Hello world!', $options = ['uppercase' => FALSE]) {
if ($options['uppercase']) {
$text = strtoupper($text);
Enable module or if you created drush command in existing module than please clear cache. you can see custom drush command in list using
drush list
We can use our newly created drush command as below.
drush ttndrush --help
drush ttndrush "hello from to the new"
drush ttndrush "hello from to the new" --uppercase
drush ttndrush-print-me "hello from to the new"
drush ttndrush-print-me "hello from to the new" --uppercase
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