
janvier 30, 2019

Chaque statistique que vous devez savoir sur Internet

We Are Social et la dernière collection de rapports de Digital Global publiée par Hootsuite révèle que le nombre d'utilisateurs d'Internet croît en moyenne de plus d'un million de nouveaux utilisateurs chaque jour, tous les utilisateurs d'origine étant désormais en ligne. 19659002] Le nombre de personnes utilisant Internet a augmenté au cours de la dernière année. Plus d'un million de personnes se connectent pour la première fois chaque jour depuis janvier 2018 . Ce ne sont pas uniquement les internautes qui se développent, comme le révèle la vaste collection de Numérique 2019 de Hootsuite et We Are Social .

Maintenant, juste avant de commencer avec tous ces chiffres, vous voudrez peut-être aller prendre un café et vous mettre à l'aise. Les 8 800 mots ci-dessous contiennent une énorme quantité d'informations à assimiler – je parlerai de la pénétration de l'internet dans le monde, du nombre d'utilisateurs et de la vitesse de l'internet, de l'utilisation des médias sociaux dans le monde, des chiffres pour chaque plate-forme de médias sociaux majeure, de l'état du commerce électronique, etc. vous voudrez prendre votre temps pour donner un sens à tout cela.

Nous allons explorer en détail toutes les tendances et idées clés tirées des rapports de cette année dans cet article, mais voici les titres essentiels dont vous avez besoin pour: comprendre 'Le numérique en 2019':

  • Les e sont 5,11 milliards d’utilisateurs mobiles uniques dans le monde aujourd’hui, en hausse de 100 millions (2%) au cours de l’année écoulée.
  • . 19659015] 4,39 milliards d'utilisateurs d'Internet en 2019, soit une augmentation de 366 millions (9%) par rapport à janvier 2018.
  • Il y a 3,48 milliards d'utilisateurs de médias sociaux en 2019, 288 millions (9%) depuis cette époque l'an dernier.
  • 3,26 milliards [19659013] les gens utilisent les médias sociaux sur les appareils mobiles en janvier 2019, avec une croissance de 297 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs représentant une augmentation annuelle de plus de 10%


Avec des milliers de graphiques de plus de 200 rapports mondiaux et locaux, la série Global Digital de cette année est l’une des études les plus complètes et les plus à jour sur le monde connecté d’aujourd’hui. DataReportal – notre bibliothèque de rapports dédiés – sera publié par étapes au cours des prochains jours. Cependant, cet article et le SlideShare incorporés ci-dessus font la synthèse des titres, tendances et idées essentiels dont vous avez besoin pour Pour donner un sens au numérique en 2019.

Avant d'entrer dans l'analyse, j'aimerais prendre un moment pour remercier tous les merveilleux partenaires de données qui ont rendu possible la série de rapports de cette année, en particulier: </ spa

OK… tout est prêt pour ces chiffres?

Utilisateurs d'Internet en 2019

Je suis sûr de le dire chaque année, mais 2018 a été une nouvelle année de croissance impressionnante dans le numérique. Cependant, l’histoire la plus convaincante dans les chiffres de cette année est que la croissance du nombre d’internautes a effectivement <span < span=””>> accélérée </ span <> au cours de l’année écoulée, avec plus de 366 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs connectés depuis. nous avons publié nos rapports au format numérique 2018 .


Nos dernières données Internet – données collectées et synthétisées à partir d'une grande variété de réputation sources – montre que les utilisateurs d’Internet croissent à un rythme de plus de 11 nouveaux utilisateurs par seconde, ce qui donne un nombre impressionnant d’un million de nouveaux utilisateurs chaque jour. Il est intéressant de noter qu'une partie de cette croissance peut être attribuée à une information plus récente sur le nombre d'utilisateurs, mais cela n'enlève rien à ses implications.

 http: // thenextweb .com /

Nous sommes particulièrement encouragés par le fait qu’une partie importante de la croissance enregistrée cette année provient des économies en développement, des pays qui souffraient auparavant d’une pénétration médiocre d’Internet enregistrant des gains importants en 2019.

L’histoire est l’Inde, qui a vu les utilisateurs d’Internet bondir de près de 100 millions au cours des 12 derniers mois, ce qui représente une croissance annuelle de plus de 20%. Le taux de pénétration de l'Internet dans ce pays d'Asie du Sud est maintenant d'environ 41% – une amélioration considérable par rapport aux 31% que nous avons signalés à la même époque l'année dernière.


Ces grands chiffres indiquent que l’Inde est responsable de plus du quart de la croissance mondiale totale de cette année. Globalement, la région Asie-Pacifique a généré 55% de la croissance annuelle et la Chine a ajouté 50 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs au cours de la dernière année.

Cependant, il est peut-être surprenant que les États-Unis occupent la troisième place dans notre classement mondial de la croissance absolue des utilisateurs d'Internet. En dépit d'un taux de pénétration de l'internet de 88% à la même époque l'année dernière, le nombre d'utilisateurs d'Internet aux États-Unis a augmenté de près de 9% en un an, pour atteindre plus de 310 millions d'utilisateurs en janvier 2019 (taux de pénétration de 95%). [19659011] Parallèlement, les pays africains dominent la liste des pays dotés des communautés Internet à la croissance la plus rapide, bien que beaucoup de ces pays partent de bases relativement petites. Le Sahara occidental a enregistré les gains relatifs les plus importants en glissement annuel, le nombre signalé d'utilisateurs d'Internet dans le pays ayant été multiplié par près de par cinq depuis janvier 2018.

leur population Internet a doublé au cours des 12 derniers mois, alors que neuf pays ont connu une croissance annuelle de 50% ou plus.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Ces chiffres de croissance annuelle sont déjà impressionnants, mais leur image est encore plus frappante. émerge à mesure que nous adoptons une vision à plus long terme. Nous sommes heureux de présenter toute une série de courbes de croissance sur cinq ans dans les rapports de cette année, dont le premier – la croissance de l'Internet – raconte une histoire particulièrement convaincante.

Le nombre d'utilisateurs d'Internet dans le monde a augmenté de plus en plus. de 1,9 milliard depuis nos rapports de 2014 soit une augmentation de plus de 75% en seulement cinq ans. Le total de cette année de 4,39 milliards d’utilisateurs dans le monde représente plus du double du chiffre de 2,08 milliards que nous avions rapporté dans notre premier rapport Global Digital en janvier 2012.

 http: // thenextweb. com / Pour le contexte, il convient de noter que le World Wide Web fête ses 30 ans cette année. Bien que de nombreuses activités connectées reposent désormais sur des innovations récentes telles que les applications mobiles natives, le Web représente toujours «Internet» pour la plupart des utilisateurs du monde entier.

Les données de l'UIT suggèrent qu'il a fallu environ 16 ans à Internet pour atteindre son premier milliard d'utilisateurs, mais seulement six ans pour qu'il atteigne deux milliards. Cependant, les données de nos rapports sur le numérique 2019 suggèrent qu'Internet se développe à un rythme d'un milliard de nouveaux utilisateurs tous les 2,7 ans. Ce taux n'est pas viable bien sûr – à un moment donné, tout le monde qui souhaite se connecter à Internet le fera – mais je me demande si Tim Berners-Lee aurait même pu rêver du fait que son petit outil pratique pour partager les résultats de la recherche avec atteindrait près de 4 milliards et demi de personnes d’ici à 30 ans

Comportements des internautes en 2019

Les modes d’utilisation de l’Internet évoluent rapidement aussi, avec comptabilité mobile pour une part croissante de nos activités en ligne. Je vais m'étendre sur les spécificités de l'utilisation des applications mobiles et des applications dans la section consacrée aux appareils mobiles ci-dessous, mais il convient de noter ici que les téléphones mobiles représentent désormais près de la moitié du temps passé sur Internet.

 http: / /thenextweb.com/En moyenne, les internautes du monde passent en moyenne 6 heures et 42 minutes en ligne par jour. C’est un peu en retrait par rapport au chiffre de 6 heures et 49 minutes de l’année dernière, mais nous pensons que cette baisse est peut-être due en partie au grand nombre de nouveaux utilisateurs qui apprennent toujours à utiliser Internet et qui utilisent moins Internet. les utilisateurs plus expérimentés qui se tournent vers leurs appareils connectés des centaines de fois par jour </ s .

 http://thenextweb.com/ Malgré la chute d’année en année , notre temps en ligne s'additionne rapidement. Une moyenne de plus de 6 heures et demie par jour équivaut à plus de 100 jours de temps en ligne chaque année pour chaque internaute. Si nous étendons cette moyenne à l'ensemble de l'utilisation d'Internet, <span id = "urn: enhancement-ff0ad2e0-1724-3232-533d-6a3d4e00d5d8" class = "text a nnotation"> r bas e of Près de 4,4 milliards d’utilisateurs, nous constatons que l’humanité dépensera au total plus de 1,2 milliards d’années en ligne en 2019.> n>

Juste. Incroyable.

La bonne nouvelle est que des connexions plus rapides signifient que nous obtenons plus de résultats en ligne. Ookla <spa < span="http://thenextweb.com/"> n> signale </ spa <> que la moyenne mobile c <span id = "urn: enhancement-668fcb49-cf3b-fff4-bbf7-320fc84b8726" class = "textannotat ion "> onn ecti sur les vitesses ont augmenté de 18% depuis cette période de l'année dernière, tandis que la vitesse de la connexion fixe moyenne a bondi d'un tiers.

Douze pays et territoires bénéficient maintenant d'une résolution <class id = "urn: enhancement-4000f75a-76dd-4c6b-3b2b-70c43ec407a7" class = "textanno > tation"> ernet vitesse de connexion supérieure 100 Mbps, tandis que dix pays bénéficient de vitesses de connexion mobiles supérieures à 50 Mbps.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Singapour bénéficie des connexions moyennes les plus rapides au monde, avec près de 191 Mbps, soit plus de 50 fois plus rapidement que la connexion moyenne au Venezuela, à l’autre extrémité du spectre. L’Islande arrive en tête du classement des vitesses de connexion mobile, ce qui peut être l’une des raisons pour lesquelles le pays occupe conjointement la première place du classement mondial de la pénétration de l’internet de cette année.

Il est intéressant de noter que la vitesse moyenne de connexion mobile <span id = "urn: enhancement-805ad903-1ce0-2bd1-976f-ebf86c187d73" class = "textanno tation"> dépasse le <span id = "urn: enhancement- b99388b6-a87a-f3ee-4788-24c221b8ed8 ass = "textannotation"> 3 "class =" textannotation "> avera ge connexion fixe n> vitesse dans 44 des 117 pays et territoires pour lesquels Ookla communique des données, et la vitesse moyenne de connexion mobile> est plus que double> <span id = "urn: enhancement-5d4e5a33-fc27-701a-df14-f0bcf22aad44" class = "textannotati sur"> he av erag e connexion fixe <span id = "urn: enhancement-d7c4323c-0ec7-ae40-72f1-fc46db6a2312" cl = "http://thenextweb.com/" span = "http://thenextweb.com/" class = " textannotation"> ass = "textannotation"> ection dans 10 de ces pays.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Mais quels sont les 4,4 milliards d'internautes dans le monde actuellement en train de en ligne f ou ces six heures et demie chaque jour?

Comme vous vous en doutez, Google continue de dominer le classement des sites Web les plus visités au monde, avec SimilarWeb et Alexa plaçant le géant de la recherche à le dessus de leurs tables. L’autre grande plate-forme d’Alphabet, YouTube, & nbsp; se place au deuxième rang des deux listes, tandis que Facebook occupe la troisième place.

Les médias sociaux platf <span id = "urn: enhancement-07314c47-6eb4-b8af-b58c-e482fc88d0e4" class = "t extannotation"> orms fortement sur les listes des deux sociétés et leur fait de l'intérêt à noter que Twitter <span id = "urn: enhancement-ee228760-2a05-2b94-0974-3d8911ba18ac" class = "textanno > tation"> suite indique de bons résultats dans les classements de sites Web, malgré son érosion base d'utilisateurs (plus de détails dans la section des médias sociaux ci-dessous).

 http://thenextweb.com/ Les sites de commerce électronique sont en progression constante dans le classement <span id = "urn: enhancement-54105cc8 -1382-91ae-dc -9c18-4ef1f8b222f4 "class =" textannotation "> a7-2708d204e226" class = "textannotation"> s de ces listes sur le parcours de la pa <span id = "urn: enhancement-7196acc2-f2d8 -b567-2100f01d8568 "class =" textannotation "> – aaac-fbae-26e61c6e6c7c" class = "textannotation"> st yea r et les dernières données d'Alexa placent cinq sites de commerce électronique en haut 20 couru Roi. P <span id = "urn: enhancement-4 -b59f-8a4d-fb0e-fec451f205a8" class = "textannotation"> d10ec7f-91f1-7498-0003-9942a0e02975 "class =" textannotation "> d10ec7f-9149-0003-9942a0e02975" class = "textannotation"> dactylographique "> Code> s sont particulièrement bien représentés cette année, et il convient de souligner que Taobao et Tmall n <span id = "urn: enhancement-e55c2¹-f90d-3839-9a6f-06bfaa3eb85b" class = "textannotat ion"> ow ran k plus haut que Amazon [index company=amazon] en termes de trafic mondial.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Les sites '' adultes 'continuent de figurer en bonne place dans le classement de SimilarWeb, bien que les données d'Alexa <span id = "urn: enhan cement-99f12702-fa01-461f-2edb-ed02e098968e" class = "textannotation"> ciment-ce0e1e9a-0340-c634-b2fe-ae785024edde "classannotation"> tly histoire différente. Quoi qu'il en soit, les chiffres indiquent tous que les gens dépensent un lot de contenu prenant du temps à un adulte.

Cela n'a probablement rien de surprenant, mais le simple < span> temps peut encore vous choquer. Les données de SimilarWeb [index company=SimilarWeb] suggèrent qu'en 2019 seulement, les gens dépenseront plus de 1 milliard de jours de temps humain collectif sur les cinq sites les plus fréquentés. Oh, et si vous êtes émerveillé <span id = "urn: enhancement ecb7-f439-00b0-c8e9-39876c6ff2b8" class = "textannotation"> – 5b811d63-54c7-235e-77a7-54f5b828b39b "class =" textannotation "> ing, la visite moyenne dure un peu plus de 10 minutes…

Plus largement, la vidéo occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans nos activités sur Internet. Le mot" vidéo "dans Google a augmenté de 30% par rapport au passé année, et la requête occupe désormais le quatrième rang parmi toutes les requêtes globales, derrière Fa <span id = "urn: enhancement-ed722c19-93eb-4ca4-1a20-8e73febc1f7e" class = "te a7b61" class = "textannotation"> tannot ation "> xtannotation"> cebook, YouTube [index company=YouTube] et Googl <span id = "urn: enhancement-6507317f-dac2-e9e5-3f0a-256acb3044d9" clas = "http://thenwewe.com / "span =" http://thenextweb.com/ "class =" textannotat ion "> s =" textannotation "> e. [ Comme un aparté, si vous êtes se demander pourquoi les gens recherchent Google sur Google, tout est à faire C’est en utilisant la barre d’adresses comme entrée de recherche ].

GlobalWebIndex indique que 92% des internautes regardent maintenant des vidéos en ligne <span id = "urn: enhancement-81eb0f6b-de1a-fb59-b377-2a379-256a56c "class =" textann otation "> e eac h mois, ce qui signifie que plus de 4 milliards de personnes autour du <span id =" urn: en hancement-63763e0c-ad44-a905-d562-2540c6173837 "class =" textannotation "> hancement-b10303d4-1b0c-4e9c-cecf-1c436fe39463" class = "textannotation"> Le monde consomme du contenu vidéo en ligne au début de 2019. Par contexte, environ 6 milliards de personnes dans le monde ont un poste de télévision à la maison, basé sur <span id = "urn: enhancement-54715171-bd29-6469-55d3-115 13e8c5d8fec" class = "textannotation"> eee8496c4 "class =" textannotation "> a re Porté par l'UIT.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Jeux ha <span id = "urn: cement-1d37b92a-6915-9b0a-d55f-5b2b831fbd32" class = "textannotation "> enhancement-d5daaf05-0b66- 1a05-1小-dea100cf2673 "class =" textannotation "> ve devient également une énorme partie d'Internet, des simples jeux mobiles aux complexes des MMORPG . Les données de GlobalWebIndex indiquent également que plus d'un milliard de personnes dans le monde diffusent désormais des jeux sur Internet chaque mois, avec des jeux tels que Fortnite bec et des phénomènes mondiaux à venir. </ Sp

De plus en plus de temps à regarder d'autres personnes jouer à des jeux <span id = "urn: enhancement-c081aba8-9380-09e0-30ee-ba80c09b7999" class = "t extannotation"> en ligne aussi. Les derniers chiffres indiquent que près du quart des utilisateurs d’Internet, soit plus d’un milliard de personnes, regardent le flux de diffusion d’autres personnes qui jouent à des jeux tous les mois. Pendant ce temps, plus de 700 millions de personnes regarderont les sports en 2019 – <span id = "urn: enhanceme f9019-a741-4d22-07b8-d899e85fd29c" class = "textannotation"> nt-20b0242b-82fb-63eb-cd00- 95e810f61b52 "class =" textannotation "> c'est ast-tv-réseaux-formule-one-f1-course-regardé-dans-les-derniers-12-mois-usa /"> double le nombre de personnes qui a regardé la Formule 1 en 2017.

La manière dont les gens 'interface' <span id = "urn: enhancement-ba781f21-dc4d-6e3a-7487-ef39a532eb0d" clas = "http://thenextweb.com/" span = "http://thenextweb.com/" class = "te xtannotation"> s = "textannotation"> avec Internet évolue également. L'utilisation d'outils de commande vocale a considérablement augmenté en 2018, avec environ quatre internautes sur dix utilisant désormais des commandes vocales ou une recherche vocale tous les mois.

Plus important, environ la moitié des utilisateurs d’Internet en Chine ont un <span id = "urn: enhancement-f5dfebb2-2652-9bd0-ac5f-f531837f4f35" class = "textannotati sur"> nd In aujourd'hui. utilisez la commande vocale et, ces deux marchés étant la priorité absolue des développeurs, nous pouvons nous attendre à voir une croissance encore plus forte de l'utilisation de la technologie vocale en 2019.

 http://thenextweb.com/ </ img

Utilisateurs de médias sociaux en 2019

Notre suite complète de Numérique 2019 donne un aperçu complet de l'utilisation du thancement-21fd2ef1-4310-9e9b-2c0c-9e8a83a3a3a5a3a3 textannotation "> Les plus grandes plates-formes sociales du monde dans plus de 230 pays et territoires à travers le monde. Ces chiffres détaillés révèlent toutefois une histoire mitigée. Certaines plates-formes ont connu une croissance impressionnante au cours des 12 derniers mois et d'autres ont commencé à perdre du terrain.

Le nombre d'utilisateurs de médias sociaux dans le monde a atteint presque 3,5 milliards au début de 2019, avec 288 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs au cours des 12 derniers mois, ce qui a porté le chiffre de pénétration mondial à 45%. L’utilisation des médias sociaux est encore loin d’être uniformément répartie à travers le monde et les taux de pénétration dans certaines régions d’Afrique sont toujours inférieurs à un chiffre. = "textanno "> xtannotation "> dans les chiffres.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Cette année encore, les pays du Moyen-Orient arrivent en tête du classement de la pénétration des médias sociaux, avec l'émir des Émirats arabes unis. <Span id = "urn: enhancement-6f8ab3b7- 0d4b29ccab78" class = "textannotation"> 278c-3929-ae70-13962f0ff1 lass = "textannotation"> 2c "class =" textannotation "> ates et Qatar ex aequo pour la première place. Dans certains cas, les chiffres individuels de la plate-forme ont été rapportés Dans ces pays, les chiffres de population totale publiés par les Nations Unies dépassent en réalité les chiffres de population publiés par les Nations Unies, mais cela est probablement dû au fait que les deux pays comptent d'importantes communautés d'expatriés qui ne sont pas incluses dans les chiffres de la population locale "officielle".

La Corée continue de languir à la dernière place du classement mondial des médias sociaux, avec un taux de pénétration inférieur à 0,1%, ce qui n’est peut-être pas surprenant, compte tenu de 13918f "cl ass =" textannotation "> 237cb40c6" class = "textannotation"> g que l'Internet – ou du moins le Internet comme le sait le monde – reste bloqué dans tout le pays. Nous avons toujours <span id = "urn: enhancement-202f9aac-fbe2-47a7-70b8-1fb141978035" class = "textannota "> tellement suspect que les chiffres concernant Turkme <span id = "urn: enhancement- 4b469d04-0bba-3d5b-5381-e00fad "class =" textannotation "> 2de444" class = "textannotation"> Le nistan peut être supérieur à ceux indiqués ici, mais nous n'avons pas pu obtenir de données à partir du La plateforme la plus populaire du pays, imo .

Les pays africains constituent le reste des 10 pays les plus pauvres en termes de pénétration des médias sociaux, et un certain nombre de pays de la région ont enregistré une baisse de l'utilisation des médias sociaux au cours de la <span id = "urn: enhancement-104e5ad3-f9ec-bd50-e952-7eb558b9dbea" cl = "http://thenextweb.com/" span = "http://thenextweb.com/" class = "textannotat ion" > ass = "textannotation"> passé 12 mois.

<img class = "aligncenter size-Featured_img wp-image-1183822" src = "https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs .dir / 1 / files / 2019/01/16-Digital-2019-Global Vue d'ensemble Images-v01-Slide-66-Social-Pene 9 "class =" textannotation "> tration par pays-796×448.png"> Cependant, les comparaisons avec la population totale sont moins représentatives sur le plan social médias, car la plupart des plates-formes interdisent l'utilisation par les enfants. En conséquence, les rapports de cette année incluent également une analyse de ce que nous appelons la «pénétration éligible» – c’est-à-dire l’utilisation des médias sociaux chez les adultes de 13 ans et plus. >

<span < span="http://thenextweb.com/">> Étant donné que près de 40% de la population totale de certaines régions d'Afrique a moins de 13 ans, cela a un impact significatif sur l'image globale des médias sociaux. Le nombre d'utilisateurs de médias sociaux est <span id = "urn: enhancement-2446a 98cd3-30bd-b51a-1a0b-f6eb55a9dad7" class = "textannotation"> 718-1692-2d71-6af6-197f8b913393 "class =" textannotation "> ound <span id =" urne: enhancement-71a0170c-cda6-890e-411f-555401af6ad2 "class =" textannota </ ​​ tannotation "> span> tion"> le monde au début sur 2019 équivaut à environ 58% de la «population éligible» totale, mais ce chiffre s'élève à plus de <span id = "urn: e : enhancement-a125e0a2-7baf-0159-6bfd-79bfb065fcb0" class = "textannotation" > nhancement-51334c76-591b-f2b2-e3d7-550a75d84482 "class =" textannotation "> concernant n 70% dans près de 100 pays du monde. </ span <>

 http://thenextweb.com/ Dans un certain nombre de pays, le nombre total d’utilisateurs des médias sociaux dépasse de loin la population totale éligible. Nous avons toutefois limité nos chiffres de pénétration éligibles à 99%, car il est irréaliste de s’attendre à ce que tout le monde dans un pays utilise les médias sociaux, et il est également probable que certains de ces «utilisateurs» représenteront des comptes en double.

 http://thenextweb.com/ Même ajusté pour tenir compte de l'âge, la pénétration des médias sociaux dans de nombreuses régions du monde en développement reste inférieure à 30% et 16 pays du monde enregistrent encore moins

La bonne nouvelle, c’est que de nombreux pays ont montré de solides <span id = "urn: enhancement-d9780e80-4cba-ff9f-e1e5-fb42bd2 828a1" class = "textannota "> croissance des médias sociaux usehancement-b1fe2d4d-f7a4-14aa-6b77-e7a573219b57" class = "textannotation"> = "te <span id =" urn: enhancement-6e643178-559a-6372-354f-dbec03845b66 "class =" text annotation "> xtanno transformation"> sur le passé <span id = "urn: enhancement-6f59a6c9-1f47-f642-0b72-77800fed5b91" class = "tex tannotation"> 12 [CommedansleclassementdelacroissanceInternetci-dessusleSaharaOccidentalapubliéle<spanid="urn:enhancement-7f0b4557-6d1c-0675-4910-00c5104084f3"class="textannot ation"> fastes t soc médias multimédia <span id = "urn: enhancement-b36a5137-74c0-05fa-a347-847144794f7d" class = " textannotation"> h duri ng 2018, le nombre d'utilisateurs actifs augmentant de plus en plus dans le pays plus de 4 fois et demie [ remarque: en l'absence d'autres données, nous utilisons les numéros d'utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux actifs comme proxy pour les utilisateurs Internet au Sahara occidental. C'est pourquoi ils sont identiques [19659091]].

L’Éthiopie a également connu une croissance impressionnante cette année, <span id = "urn: enhancement-c4988695-6746-04d5-d382-752a3c42f533" class = "textannotati o n"> avec un <! – span> n 2,3 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs supplémentaires trnt-c9481bd1-9a23-149a-fd50-13d1a9aa413f ”class =” textannotation ”>, traduisant une croissance annuelle de plus de 60%. Il est également encourageant de constater que Cuba a également connu une forte croissance dans les médias sociaux, cette <span id = "urn: enhancement-bb7915ea-2585-667c-9ac3 <span id =" urn: enhancement-35734003-0352-4107-9045-3ff527010d3c = "http: / /thenextweb.com/ "class =" " textannotation”> – 9fce3ff5947e ”class =” text -ota », année, texte>>, [année] alors que l'accès à Internet restait un défi pour l'ensemble du pays.

<img class = "aligner-classer taille-en-vedette_img wp-image-1183826 lazy" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAAAAAAPAAAAAAAAAAAAA "data-src =" https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/19-Digit

al-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01- Diapositive-72-Social-Growth-Ranking-Relative-796 × 448.png ”alt =” ”width =” 796 ″ height = ”448 ″ data-mce-src =” https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp -content / blogs.dir / 1 / files / 2019/01/19-Digital-2019-Aperçu-Global-Images-v01-Slide-72-Croissance sociale-Rang ing-Relative-796 × 448.png ”> La Chine a ajouté le plus grand nombre de nouveaux utilisateurs de médias sociaux sur le passé <span id =" urn: enhancement-512ca class = "textannotation"> 3e2-251a -62f3-9580-71f9caa2d1a1 ″ class = ”textannotation”> t 12 mois, avec le pays du pays tota = ”urn: enhancement-e10bf70b-dce2-b823-8ae6-910b772cf717” en hausse par à 100 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs depuis cette année . Les dernières données suggèrent que plus d'un milliard de personnes en Chine utilisent maintenant les médias sociaux, même si nous soupçonnons que ce chiffre est quelque peu gonflé par des récits en double . L'Inde a également connu une forte croissance, avec plus de 60 millions d'utilisateurs inscrits t <span id = "urn: enhancement-a1230de4-990f-9016-f3db-da856cd572e0" class = " d28c-ef9b-1174325c0352" class = "textannotation ”> Textannotation”> o 860a4 ″ class = ”textannotation”> socpan> ial media pour la première fois en 2018. </ s

Dans l'intervalle, malgré les nombreuses restrictions imposées aux plateformes de médias sociaux en <span id = "urn: enhancement-6287b92a-b7b4-9dc6-3c3f-a7fe372b31c3" cl = "http://thenextweb.com/" span = "http://thenextweb.com/" class = "te xtan notation "> ass =” textannotation ”> rece nt mois, le nombre de personnes utilisant les médias sociaux en Iran a également considérablement augmenté l'année dernière. L'équipe de Techrasa et l'expert en médias sociaux locaux Niki ancement-1bb3cb80-adcb-e523-0548-b21c4e01b185 ″ class = "textannotation"> Aghaei a convenu que la croissance annuelle des utilisateurs est wel <span id = "urn: enhancement-227fe2c9-8594-0f36-1f98-d2b91c87e5" ta '> en à deux chiffres, et même des sources officielles du gouvernement ont fait état d'une forte croissance.


Les cinq années suivantes les chiffres de croissance pour les utilisateurs de médias sociaux sont encore plus frappants que ceux pour l'utilisation d'internet, le nombre total d'utilisateurs de médias sociaux ayant presque doublé depuis nos rapports numériques de 2014 . Le total de 3,49 milliards de cette année est également supérieur d'un peu plus de 2 milliards à celui de 1,48 milliard annoncé dans notre premier rapport mondial sur le numérique de janvier 2012.

 http: // thenextweb .com /

L’audience mondiale des médias sociaux a également considérablement évolué au cours de cette période, les personnes âgées de 30 ans environ représentant désormais la plus grande part des utilisateurs mondiaux des médias sociaux. Les audiences seniors sont maintenant <span id = ”urn: enhancement-cc830500- meilleur représentant <span id =" urn: enhancement-d0d1926c 2804-90c2-3185-6805-cffd15037a1b "class =" textannotation "> – 7606-4dc3-ff2a-9a7fcdfbdfad ”class =” textannotation ”> également envoyé, et les différentes plates-formes de Facebook signalent un plus grand nombre d'utilisateurs âgés de plus de 55 ans que d'utilisateurs âgés de moins de 18 ans.

< img class = "aligncenter size-Featured_img wp-image-1183829 lazy" src = "données: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABARAA7" data-src = "https://cd /blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/22-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide

-74-Social-Audience-Age-Profile-796 †448.png ”alt = ”” Largeur = ”796 ″ hauteur =” 448 ″ données-mce-src = ”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/22-Digital-2019 -Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-74-Profil-Âge-Social-796 × 448.png ”> Il existe toujours un déséquilibre significatif entre les sexes Cela concerne également l’ensemble des publics de médias sociaux, mais – comme nous le verrons ci-dessous -, cela varie considérablement au niveau de la plate-forme. En général, les pays où la pénétration globale des médias sociaux est la plus faible sont également ceux où l’inclinaison masculine est la plus marquée.

Bien que ces chiffres soient spécifiques aux utilisateurs de médias sociaux, ils sont probablement aussi représentatifs de l’utilisation plus large d’Internet, ce qui suggère que les femmes souffrent de faibles niveaux d’accès à Internet dans de nombreuses régions du monde en développement. En tant que ressource essentielle pour l'éducaf2-876a-e799-b640d1d20de9 ″ class = ”textannotation”>, l'inclusion financière, l'emploi et l'autonomisation, assurer un accès égal à Internet des femmes doit être une priorité pour la prochaine phase du développement de l'internet. [19659139] <img class = "aligncenter size-Featured_img wp-imag

e-1183830 ″ src =” https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/23 -Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-75-Ratios-genre-sociaux-796 × 448.png ”alt =” ”width =” 796 ″ height = ”448 ″ data-mce-src =” https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/23-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-75-Soc<span id = " urn: enhancement-ccae79f0-fcf8-dd9c- dff4-bef734c4c1c0 "cla =" http://thenextweb.com/ "span =" http://thenextweb.com/ "> ss =” textannotation ”> ial- Gender-Ratios-796 × 448.png ”>

Les comportements des réseaux sociaux en 2019

Le temps que les utilisateurs passent sur les réseaux sociaux a id =” urn: enhancement-2851435d-90 04-9798-f5a4-0ff700c3ceb5 ″ class = "textannotation"> a encore augmenté cette année, bien que très légèrement. GlobalWebIndex indique que l’utilisateur moyen des médias sociaux passe maintenant 2 heures et 16 minutes par jour sur les plateformes sociales – au lieu de 2 heures et 15 minutes l’année dernière – ce qui équivaut à environ un tiers de leur: Enhancement-20cd92d4-9b43-481f -3e4b-aec7b40b7075 ″ class = "textannotation"> total du temps de connexion sur Internet, et un septième de leurs vies éveillées.

As with internet use, this time quickly adds up: if we extend this average daily time across all 3.484 billion people using social media today, we get a combined total of almost 333-855e-01b1-5ed9a90f5601″ class=”textannotation”>0 million years of human time spent on social platforms during the course of 2019.

Ienhancement-5d87cf6e-8d08-518f-2662-234c1ce2ccf6″ class=”textannotation”>t’s worth noting that the time spent on social media varies considerably across cultures though, with internet users in Japan spending an <span id="urn:enhancement-3f3c7bf9-891c-ae8e-5b08-223bc3c6c30d" class="textannotation">average of0-9cf8-ec8a-c684-79f3c22a7554″ class=”textannotation”> just 36 minutes on social media each day. At the other end of the scale, Filipinos continan>ue to spend the most time on social media, with<span id="urn:enhanc030-0968-8cb12656df8e” class=”textannotation”>ement-330f9df9-1727-e550-c383-031e176cb880″ class=”textannotation”> this pan>year’s average of 4 hours and 12 minutes reflecting an increase of 15 minutes per day (6 percent) versus the average that we reported last year.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183831 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/24-Digital-2019-Global-Overvie

w-Images-v01-Slide-77-Time-Spent-Social-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/24-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-77-Time-Spent-Social-796×448.png”>The amount of tim e that people spend on social media each day has<span id="urn:enhancement-0d8c8437-d079-6ed1-c955-3eafc46483b1" class="textannotation”> grown considerably over the past 5 years too, <span id="urn:enhancement-83dc0adb-05ae-fdad-c2a<span ce9c-91f0-e190-1513-38fa83713746″ class=”textannotation”>id=”urn:enhancement-ee66d367-2ffc-3889-10a1-408db3f0ba26″ class=”textannotation”>8-577066578fee” class=”textannotation”>with the average user now spending 40 minutes – and 40 percent – longer e<span id="urn:enhancement-12729aa7-107e-46d2621bec34a9c3″ class=”textannotation”>-cc34-67a80b081cf4″ class=”textannotation”>ach day on social compared to this time in 2014.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183832 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/f[19659124]iles/2019/01/25-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-78-Evolution-of-Time-Spent-Social-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/25-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-78-Evolution-of-Time-Spent-Social-796×448.png”>However, not all of that time is spent ‘being sociable’. Data from GlobalWebIndex shows that 98 percent of interne6e98-72ba-be35d25b49d5″ class=”textannotation”>t users in the world’s top economies visited a social media platform in the past month, but just 83 percent actively engaged with – or contributed to – those platforms.</s

Meanwhile, the average user now h<span id="urn:enhancement-afbe9ee7-1746-abc9-d68b-ceea2b7f6acb" class="textannotation“>as an account on almost nine social media platf<span id="urn:enhancement-f5af026d-30ef2-a54e-9619d43588ea” class=”textannotation”>682-495c-5649-65ef06b18d5d” class=”textannotation”>orms, bd=”urn:enhancement-fef78e15-6d60-6780-198c-1bf2f527eda9″ class=”textannotation”>ut they don’t necessarily engage with every one of these accounts each month. People are also increasingly using social media for work activities, with almost a quarter of users saying they’ve done so in the past month. If we extend this average to the total number of social media userslass=”textannotation”> around the world, the data suggest that more than 800 million people are using social media fo60d69f” class=”textannotation”>r work today.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183833 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="796" height="448" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/26-Digi

urn:enhancement-6e6e2954-667d-5c3e-d914-5a320928bbcf” class=”textannotation”>tal-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-76-Social-Media-Behaviours-796×448.png”>

Top social media platforms in 2019

Despite a troubling year in 2018, Facebook maintains its top platform ranking in early 2019, and – contrary to ongoing media hyst1b-627c-838b-c3ac-ee5d79995dca” class=”textannotation”>eria – there’s little evidence to suggest that people are leaving the platform in any significant numbers.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183834 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/27-Digital-2019-Global-Ove

rview-Images-v01-Slide-81-Top-Social-Platforms-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/27-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-81-Top-Social-Platforms-796×448.png”>In fact, Facebook’s monthly active users (MAU) numbers grew steadily across the past 12 months, and the platform’s latest earnings announcement reports year-on-year user growth of almost 10 percent. The platform’s five-year growth chart lo<span id="urn:enhancement-6af9d86e-d61f-e55e-3df4-de2fd4189b5a" class="textannotation”>oks pretty impressive too.


There are some signs that people are using F<span id="urn:enhancement-2c925122-0a8f-0287-f990-d565c4513126" class="textannotation">acebook lesshowever – more on that in a minute –&nbsp;but it seems that there may be a significant lag between what people say they’re going to do (#DeleteFacebook), and what they’re actually doing (“Oh! A Facebook notification. I’ll just take a quick look…”).

YouTube comes in at number two in this year’s rankings, but the world’s favorite video site posted some impressive new user numbers over the past year, and looks set to be the next social pl<span id="urn:enhancement-86befd49-4-8c5d-0f4b6d669646″ class=”textannotation”>7e0-fae1-92bc-77746266ba9d” class=”textannotation”>atform to break the 2 billion user mark. an>

Current growth trends suggest that WhatsApp won’t be too far behind though, especially considering that the 1.5 billion number we’re reporting here the latest figure that the platform has published – dates back to January 2018.

WeChat (Weixin in China) delivered another strong year in 2018 too, with China’s top platform joining the prestigious ‘billion users club’ over the past 12 months. That club now includes Instagram too, who revealed that they’d passed the 1 billion active accounts milestone back in June last year.


Twitter had a disappointing year in 2018, and the platform starts 2019 down 4 million users versus this time last year. However, China’s Sina Weibo has proven that microblogging definitely isn’t dead, with the platform reporting user growth of almost 20 percent over the course<span id="urn:enhancement-8afae541-1367-f0ae-f6a1-bfe8890be163" class="te<span id=”urn:enhancement-864093f6-6e49-d010-6f50-4ceaaff10574″ class=”textannotation”>xtannotation”> of the past 12 months. If current growth trends conte7128e47-4b21-6bfb-9898-4e9d00d21926″ class=”textannotation”>inue, Weibo looks set to pass the 500 million user mark in the second half of 2019.

Twitter isn’t alone in its suffering, though; the latest active user data from Snapchat shows that the platform’s user base is in st<span id="urn:enhannt-5d9a116f-2759-e673-77fe-2f5385a57c89″ class=”textannotation”>cement-a8c5afc6-ce3e-e787-f73c-efd1e03bbf97″ class=”textannotation”>eady decline, while the platform’s advertising audience has seen significant drops in recent months, as we’ll explore in more detail below.

Looking more closely at messaging apps, Zuck and team continue to dominate the worldwide landscape, with the latest data from SimilarWeb showing that either WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger is the most-used app in 208 out of a total of 234 countries and territories for which they have data.

Viber seems to have maintained its focussed popularity since last year, with the messaging platform the top choice for Android users in 10 countries across the globe. However, despite dominance in their home countries, both Wspan>platform – rather than overall monthly active user (MAU) numbers –&nbsp;because these advertising audience figures ad=”urn:enhancement-7e9b6d64-8eb4-afbb-4f1b-1350b9f3ac47″ class=”textannotation”>re updated more frequently, and are easier to compare on a like-for-like basis across platforms.

You’ll find the key headlines in the chart below, but read on for a closer inspection of each platform’s latest numbers.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183838 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.d

ir/1/files/2019/01/31-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-84-Social-Platform-Ad-Audience-Overview-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/31-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-84-Social-Platform-Ad-Audience-Overview-796×448.png”>

1. Facebook

As we noted above, the cold, hard data show that Facebook hasn’t experienced any of the dramatic user declines that the media continue to portend. In reality, Facebook user numbers continue to grow around the world, with the platform adding 18 million new users to its ad<span id="urn:enhancement-661ba583-a40f-9236-3638dbaa87941″ class=”textannotation”>e-3e7ead520086″ class=”textannotation”>dressable advertising audience in Q4 of 2018 alone.


t=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/32-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-S<span id="urn:enhancement-9ef60eement-8a741bbc-ae9f-d430-0b3a-ee06737b7770″ class=”textannotation”>b5-f228-4c6e-6311-10f2fd67e33e” class=”textannotation”>lide-86-Facebook-Overview-796×448.png”>However, it’s not all good news in Menlo Park. Facebook’s advertising audience did lose 10 million users aged 13 to 17 in the last 3 months of 2018, although it made up for this loss with an equivalent gain in the number of users over the age of 55.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183840 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/33-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-87-Facebook-Age-Profile-79

6×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/33-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-87-Facebook-Age-Profile-796×448.png”>With an an>ddressable advertising audience of more than 300 million active users, India is now firmly establia903400af” class=”textannotation”>shed as Facebook’s top market, and the platform added 50 million new users in the country in past year alone. Users in The Philippines were up by 2 million in the past 3 months too, and up by 8 million in the full year to January 2019.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183841 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="796" height="448" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/34-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-90-Facebook-Reach-Ranking-7

96×448.png”>So, what about the purported ‘mass Facebook exodus’? The latest figures do reveal some drops in the addressable advertising audience in some territories, but nothing like what the media would have us believe. What’s more, these figures need to be taken in the context of the broader growth story across Facebook’s total worldwide audience. To help you form your own perspective without clickbait and hysteria, here are Facebook’s “biggest losers” over the past 3 months:


>Rather than steep drops in user numbers, Facebook’s more wo<span id="urn:enhancement-1e143b74-e9e4-c2ee-ba28-15124c2822fe" c="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/" class="“textannotation”>lass=”textannotation”>rrying trend is falling engagement. We started to explore this story <a class=""textannotati</span" href="https://thenextweb.com/contributors/2018/07/25/facebooks-ad-interactions-drop-20-percent-on”>data/”>back in July<!–<s<span id="urn:enhancement-a70f62bd-e08f-0e16-fe45-a23613b1aa6c” class=”textannotation”>pan id=”urn:enhancement-9b76241b-bf48-b35a-6895-409456ee63eb” class=”textannotation”>span>but the latest data from Facebook<span id="urn:enhancement-f39436c3-8047-76a9-2191-f2cbf099963b" class="textass=”textannotation”>b412″ class=”textannotation”>annotation”>’s own tools show that these downward trends are continuing.

The median number of posts ‘liked’ by the typical Facebook user has fallen by<span id="urn:nt-754ecffb-3d6a-7072-32e3-c1edf5eeecce” class=”textannotation”>enhancement-5cba2166-b3f0-99c2-c130-45e961fddc49″ class=”textannotation”> 10 percent in the past 6 months, and now stands at 9 per month. Perhaps even more worryingly for Facebook, the numbfb-35f1-aae9662273be” class=”textannotation”>er of times people click on adverts on Facebook is also falling. The global median still stands at 8 adverts clicked per month, but the detail by gender shows that men and women are both clicking on fewer adverts today than they were back in July.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183843 lazy" src="" data-src="https:

//cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-co<span id="urn:enhancement-f2bb901d-f653-9eab-d2bd-5e134f101c5b" class="textannotation”>ntent/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/36-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-97-Facebook-Activities-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/36-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-97-Facebook-Activities-796×448.png”>However, the advertising revenue figures reported in Facebook’s latest earnings announcements continue to show steady growth. So what’s going on?

Our assessment is that Facebook’s ad-price bidding model means that, on average, advertisers are paying more for each advert, so the drop in the number of ad clicks has been more than offset by the incremental revenue that Facebook earns from each of those clicks.

This hypothesis is borne out by the latest data from Locowisewho report that the number of Facebook pages investing in paid media has grown by more than 3 percent since O<span id="urn:enhancement-bb7bf9e5-bbbd-de2c-51b3-cd6f9de28703" class="textannotation”>ctober.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183845 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/37-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-100

-Facebook-Reach-Benchmarks-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/37-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-100-Facebook-Reach-Benchmarks-796×448.png”>This increase in media spend is likely correlated to the steady declines in average organic reach and engagement that we’ve been reporting in partnership with Locowise since our Digital 2018 reports last January.

The latest data in this series show that average organic reach is down by 2.3 percent – or 14 >span>basis points – since October. Similarly, average engagement with Facebook page posts is also down by more than 2 percent in the past three months, with fewer than 4 people in every 100 who see a Facebook page’s post engaging with it in some way.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183846 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn

0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/38-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-102-Facebook-Engagement-Benchmarks-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/38-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-102-Facebook-Engagement-Benchmarks-796×448.png”>It’s worth highlighting that Locowise’s data represents averages across tens of thousands of different pages, of all ‘shapes and sizes’. So, because of the way in which we believe the Facebook algorithm id=”urn:enhancement-eb14bad1-eb4c-27bf-2431-f816cf532ad9″ class=”textannotation”>=”textannotation”> works, larger pages will see much lower levels of organic reach and engagement compared to the figures repor6-7484-b225-a146-909b75ea85c3″ class=”textannotation”>ted above.

For example, there are some clear differences when we compare results for pages with fewer than 10,000 ‘fans’ to pages with more than 100,000 fans:

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183847 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0

.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/39-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-104-Facebook-Page-Performance-by-Size-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/39-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-104-Facebook-Page-Performance-by-Size-796×448.png”>Once again though, these figures are averages across a variety of different pages, and the data show clear differences from one page to another. For example, the Facebook pages of d=”urn:enhancement-a162ebda-1b78-9e00-2c30-34239a8705c1″ class=”textannotation”>popular celebrities tend to enjoy higher levels of o<span id="urn:enhancement-fd095a8e-05ee-b9ea-fcad-3f1292db46b5" class="textannotation" span="http://thenextweb.com/">=”textannotation”>rganic reach and engagement than the pages of consum<span id="urn:enhancement-229ad259-8458-7495-b0a8-209004b5d1fb" class="textannotation”>er brands with similar numbers of fans.

Talking of large Facebook pages, Facebook’s own page is the most-lcement-464cac65-a46b-4347-4a5a-902c28e2346b” class=”textannotation”>iked property on the platform in January 2019, with more than 200 million ‘fans’. Samsung takes seco”>nd spot<!–span> globally, with the Korean brand’s fan page amassing almost 160 million fans by the time of publication.

ss=”textannotation”>p>Just three consumer brands make it into the ranking of the top 20 Facebook pages tho<s< span=””>pan id=”urn:enhancement-d6e3db33-2379-6dce-babb-97a0c0e245e4″ class=”textannotation”>ugh: Sam</s<>sung, Coca-Cola, and McDonald’s. The rest of the list is dominated by musicians, sports teams and players, and actors. This should make for interesting reading for marketers, who need to see their activities and content in the context of the broader Facebook ‘experiend=”urn:enhancement-493854ec-e5d5-9afd-83b3-2b615aba52a4″ class=”textannotation”>ce’.


alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/40-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-105-Facebook-Page-Ranking-796×448.png”>These findings reinforce the fact that Facebook users aren’t going to Facebook just to see your ads (surprise!). People’s primary motivations for using Facebook remain staying in touch with friends and family, and these activities accounts for the lion’s share of the time that people spend on the platform.

People do engage with brand content too, of coadc72f45595″ class=”textannotation”>=”urn:enhancement-0e8d4b79-c1da-8548-e61f-89c9dd20ecc5″ class=”textannotation”>urse, but – with more than 80 million small and medium-sized businesses publishing pages to Facebook at the ti=”urn:enhancement-037a05c7-9e96-a837-a0a2-7037bfc59505″ class=”textannotation”>me of writing – it’s increasingly difficult for brands to stand out, especially as l” data-mce-href=”https://money.cnn.com/2018/01/31/technology/facebook-earnings/index.html”>the amount of time people spend on the platform decreases.

The key takeaway here is hiding in plain sight: people engage with the things that they’re most interested in. That might sound like a glib statement of the obvious, but marketers must recognize that no amount of Facebook media investment will make their content more interesting, or more engaging.

The low-down: if you want to succeed with Facebook marketing, you need to give peopl<span id="urn:enhancement-75d36d18-3c32-9320-8679-ee82867367ass=”textannotation”>07″ class=”textannotation”>e more of what they want, and less of your brand’s corporate propaganda (you’ll find more on that at the end of this article).

2. Instagram

Our conversations with marketers all over the world in recent months indicate that Instagram will be a top choice for brands in 2019, so it’s worth spending a bit of time exploring what the platform’s audience looks like. We’ll be pu class=”textannotation”>blishing detailed Instagram insights for more than 200 territories over the coming days in our local country reportsbut here are the global headlines.

Despite some <span< span=””>>leadership hurdles</span<> in 2018, Instagram posted some strong numbers over the past 12 months. Back in June, the company announced that it had passed the 1 billion ‘active accounts’ mark, and although the company later clarified that this figure did not represent unique users, the milestone was no l<span id="urn:enhancement-6c468493-d8b1-ca4e-070a-8a7d94a6c6bf" class="textannotation”>ess impressive.

The platform’s latest advertising audience figures show that this strong performance has co<sp< span=””>an id=”urn:enhancement-80cff181-e766-81c2-26b4-f1f0b4d588f2″ class=”textannotation”>ntinued into 2019, with active users growing by </sp<>more than four percent in the past 3 months to r<span id="urn:enhancement-1584c7e4-5521-46ae-b632-42ae4d023ad5" class="textannotation">each an advertising audience of 895 million active users around the world at the time of writing.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_im

g wp-image-1183849″ src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/41-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-107-Instagram-Overview-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/41-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-107-Instagram-Overview-796×448.png”>However, this figure does not include user numbers for some countries that have sizeable Instagram audiences, but which are not available to advertisers as targeting locations. Perhaps the most interesting of these ‘unavailable countries’ is Iran.

Despite regular speculation that it will be blocked in<span id="uclass=”textannotation”>0c1b” class=”textannotation”>rn:enhancement-e6e61d53-a631-b887-30bf-97d0a9c83f6f” class=”textannotation”> the country, Instaid=”urn:enhancement-f484f56f-0b3d-40be-e058-b98e74dec530″ class=”textannotation”>gram remains one of the top social platforms in the country. The latest analysis from Techrasa and Niki Aghaei suggests that the platform now has more than 32 milli<span id="urn:enhancement-ee3babce-a11b-b1df-475f-5dacb7c51a6d" cl="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/" class="textannotation">ass=”textannotation”>on users in Iran, which would rank it as one of twelve countries around the world where Instagram has passed 50 percent penetration of the eligible audience.

Due to ongoing internatio41497c3f-f9ed-086d-173f-b89898e96202″ class=”textannotation”>nal sanctions, however, these 32 million users remaid=”urn:enhancement-b035a34b-894c-61c3-b253-718bd26109e4″ class=”textannotation”>in beyon73ff-26e2-3eeb-b791-daecb161669c” class=”textannotation”>d the reach of Instagram advertisers, so we’ve not included it in the list below.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183850 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="796" height="448" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/42-Digital-2019-Global-Overvie

w-Images-v01-Slide-112-Instagram-Eligible-Rankings-796×448.png”>Instagram’s user base may be less than half thencement-3eb66a00-3cf7-ee7b-c668-68b4247313f8″ class=”textannotation”>”> size of Facebook’s, but Instagram has added more than twice as many new users<s< span=””>pan> as Facebook in the past three months. The platform saw its total global advertising audience increase by more than </s<><s<span id="urn:enhancement-636465e7-4cbb-9de6-4c75-30cec05e4ee0" class="textannotation”>-c7f8-20c2-9820527a6593″ class=”textannotation”>pan>38 million new </susers in Q4 2018, compared to Facebook’s growth of 18 million new users in the same time period.

Instagram’s growing popularidence of users<span id="urn:enhancement-e40d3e<span id=" urn:enhancement-0955d119-0ff7="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/">-c024-c289-13979704d094″ class=”textannotation”>ae-0213-e7e5-3a6a-8f61742f835e” class=”textannotation”> in the 18 to 34 year-old age bracket than Facebook does (albeit with a smaller total number of users in that age range).


Instagram82-65a34ed7b6ff” clas<span id="urn:enhancement-e54e1d83-4b47-c397-abb3-da10a0b8c82f" class="textannotation">s=”textannotation”> saw impressive growth all over the world during 2018 too, and it’s important to highlight that the platform has now become a global phenomenon. Of particular note is the platform’s growth in India, where Instagram added an average of one new user every two seconds in Q4 2018, amassing a total of 4 million new users since October.


Instagram is also popular in a numbe<sp< span=””>an id=”urn:enhancement-21f17730-02b3-66d3-3103-ee09f77f46b4″ class=”textannotation”>r of countries where Facebook has struggled to gain traction against l<span id="urn:enhancement-88b9d0e3-bb3d-3743-d9df-039cfb54f62c" class="textannotation”>ocal favorites. In particular, Instagram has gained a sizeable – and growing – audience in Russia, and this trend is mirrored in a number of Eastern Europea<span id="urn:enhancement-58faa067-901a-da56-330c-a1fe7d16fads=”textannotation”>8″ class=”textannotation”>n and Central Asian countries.</sp<>


Insta>gram’s advertising audience has now outgrown Facebook’s in 20 countries around the world, and we expect this number to increase during 2019 as Instagram’s popula0-96ca-c205-80b7-8d57650e5f6f” class=”textannotation”>rity comes to the fore. However, it’s worth noting that the latest data suggest consumer brands still have some work to do when it comes to engaging their audiences on Insta5fa-aeeb-78a5-b96bfe302d1f” class=”textannotation”>gram.

Just one consumer brand – Nike – makes Instagram’s top 20 ‘most-followed’ list, with the remaining spots dominated by celebrities. Keen-eyed readers will also notice that the Kardashian clan account for four of these top 20 accounts, so Instagram will need to be careful to avoid triggering another Snapchat-Kylie-Jenner moment.


3.</h Twitter

<>span>2018 was less favorable to Twitter, who reported declines in global active users in their two past <a href="https://investor.twi class=”textannotation”>tterinc.com/home/default.aspx”>earnings announcements. This downward trend is clearly visible in the platform’s advertising audience numbers too, which indicate that Twitter’s total addressable audience has fallen by 1.5 percent since October. Twitter’s advertising audience also skew<span id="urn:enhancement-690081c1-e7b7-fef6-fd61-9377830bf58c" class="textannotation">s significantly towards men, with the platform reporting that almost two-thirds of its addressable audience is male. <span id="urn:enhancement-c31141c0-aement-adcbed99-354a-b801-824f-ba2999df8c6e” class=”textannotation”>0c9-20b2-15eb-90e8750e9136″ class=”textannotation”>

<img id="urn:enhancement-ba947028-64c0-d9ee-9da1-05738de69e1f" class="textannotation”>”aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183855″ src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/47-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-116-Twitter-Overview-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/47-Digital-201span>rn:enhancement-ad333f64-160d-4ed7-a2d3-3a2f0e975d05″ class=”textannotation”>9-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-116-Twitter-Overview-796×448.png”>However, it’s important to compare these negative trends in active user numbers with some other, equally relevant data.

Twitter has grown to become a platform of choice for various influential figures around the world, from presidents and prime ministers, to some of the world’s top journalists. Crucially though, observers do not need to have a Twitter account to<span id="urn:enhancement-63c1a219-3-f03b-8b4cb17af032″ class=”textannotation”>f0b5-a7bd-092e-22a0fef7432d” class=”textannotation”> access all of the content that these people post to the platform, and this is where some broader data provide a very different story of Twitter’s success compared to its earnings announcements.

While the number of ‘registered’ users engaging with the platform appears to be falling, overall visitor traffic to Twitter.com has actually been increasing over recent months. SimilarWeb’s latest data suggest that Twitter.com attracted more than 670 million unique visitors in December 2018, reflecting month-on-month growth of more than 4 percent.

These figures suggest that total visitors to Twitter.com are considerably more than double the platform’s total addressable advertising audience. These 67<span id="urn:enhancement-831c546c-bd94-2846-b772-c78c55c6184f" class="textannotation">0 million visitors also spend an average of more than nine min<span id="urn:enhancement-5d763a39-8516-e356-7a36-3e48818a25b6" class="textannonhancement-589755a1-518d-91f0-9fa9-10177bf60433″ class=”textannotation”>tation”>utes on the site each visit, so it’s clear that they’re not simply stopping in to read one or two tweets.

Interpreting these numbers, it appears that Twitter’s primary problem isn’t necessarily the appeal of its platform, but rather its business model. Crucially, because people can access id=”urn:enhancement-8fd8f90c-c2b3-907b-c7e2-e6819e8fb85c” class=”textannotation”>much of Twitter’s value without needing to log in, the company’s primary revenue source (ad placem>ents targeting logged-in users) appears to be out of sync with the company’s primary asset (hundreds of millions of visitors, regardless of whether they’re logged in).>

<span< span=””>>My assessment is that this makes Twitter a highly attractive target for a media company who can make better sense of the potential value residing in these non-logged-in visitors. A Twitter acquisition has been on the cards for many years now, b<span id="urn:enhancement-de2d0021-2a81-0adb-a700-4958a209ac55" class="textannotation">ut my perspective echoes a-mce-href=”https://www.l2inc.com/daily-insights/no-mercy-no-malice/2019-predictions”>that of Professor Scott Galloway: there’s an increasing likelihood that Twitter will be acquireancement-dedd79b8-dd58-610b-a4fe-2918403fe7bb” class=”textannotation”>c22-e3a0-b429-d00faff9183b” class=”textannotation”>d in 2019.</span<>

4. Snapchat

Snapchat’s latest numbers tell an even more worrying story than Twitter’s. The company’s latest earnings announcements have shown steady declines in daily active users, but the company’s advertising audience figures show some even more precipitous drops.

Snapchat’s total addressable audience sits at 306.5 million at the start of 2019, down more than 10 percent since October (note that this number is based on the figures published by Snapchat itself, in the platform’s own advertising tools).</span


While it’s unclear whether the two numbers are correlated, it’s worth noting that the drop of 41 million us<span id="urn:enhancement-75401e58-db63-4f06-2562-f073c49ab0c6" class="textannotation”>ers in Snapchat’s advertising audience over the past three months closely aligns to Instagram’s growth<span id="urn:enhancement-0ac46180-e6b9-d2e8-0f84-d53022035d49" c="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/" class="textannotation">lass=”textannotation”> of 38 million users during the n>same time period.

Furthermore, despite the platform’s existing female audience skew, Snapchat is losing male users faster than it’s losing women. The latest data reported in Snapchat’s advertising tools suggest that male users are down by almost 17 percent over the past 3 months, compared to a smaller drop in female users of 11 percent.

However, Snapch>at remains an important part of the social mix in a number of countries around the world, and – despite losing ground in these countries too – Snapchat still boa<span< span=””> id=”urn:enhancement-8f46773f-aa6e-012e-58d9-1e3fcd71e5d0″ class=”textannotation”>sts a si</span<>zeable share of social media users in many countries across the Middle East.

<img class="aligncenter size-fe

atured_img wp-image-1183857″ src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/49-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-129-Snapchat-Eligible-by-Country-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/49-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-129-Snapchat-Eligible-by-Country-796×448.png”>The story in Snapchat’s home market is less comforting, though. The platform has lost one in every seven of its US advertising audience since October 2018, and Snapchat’s total advertising audience in the country has now dropped below 100 million.

My assessment of these numbers is that what previously made Snapchat appealing may also be contributing to its present declines. The platform has consistently appeared to focus on younger users – particular<span id="urn:enhancement-1efe7181-6148c-8c03-fa3a8458250f” class=”textannotation”>3cc-64ee-926d-84efbb47c795″ class=”textannotation”>ly those in the 13 to 24 year-old age bracket. However, people in these age groups tend to be more fickle in their social media behaviors, and while this targeted approach may have served Snapchat well in previous years, the platform seems to be struggling to maintain its appeal amongst its core audiences.

Crucially, Instagram now boasts almost twice as many users as Snapchat in the sa”>me age bracket – and Instagram’s numbers are still growing. Furthermore, unlike Twitter, there’s l<span id="urn:enhancement-e12e9fff-7f68-0800-6ab0-0e979bbc7d5a" class="textannotation”>ittle evidence in other data to h<span i="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/" id="urn:enhancement-15d1979f-d4e7-b499-a034-94b3a7dca2e0" class="textannotation">d=”urn:enhancement-f34872abb” class=”textannotation”>-d7fa-ece3-7de0-f87eec1e5d20″ class=”textannotation”>in<spa< span=””>n id=”urn:enhancement-4e23d19d-a606-ed4c-b113-f4d875fffc5e” class=”textannotation”>t <!–span>at a remedy for Snapchat’s ails. The focused functionality of Snapchat’s platform was part of its initial success, but that focus leaves the company with fewer options now that the strategy seems to be delivering less favorable returns. </spa<>

So, once again, I’ll concur with the predictions of Prof Gall<s< span=””>pan id=”urn:enhancement-3e42a70a-f906-bf62-7e94-c0ec38b65c71″ class=”textannotation”>oway</s<>>: there’s a good chance that Snapchat will rethink its prior aversion to acquisition over the coming months.

Fortunately, we return to good news in our analysis of LinkedIn. The world’s favorite professional social network delivered strong results over the past year, with the platform’s total addressable advertising audience growing by more than 3 percent in the last quarter of 2018 alone.

It’s important to note that LinkedIn’s advertising audience numbers are based on total registered users, and not the monthly active users reported in other platform’s tools. However, the comd=”urn:enhancement-e87d77ae-194b-0c2f-98b1-884e05f6da81″ class=”textannotation”>pany’s latest9-0359-0bf9-ee077aa34843″ class=”textannotation”> data show that advertisers can now reach more than 600 million users around the world on LinkedIn, which tells a compelling story for brands hoping to connect with working professionals acros<span id="urn:enhs=”textannotation”>ent-f29c4880-7005-729e-0c36-ec22685a4aa3″ class=”textannotation”>ancement-39514fd9-c099-f44e-9ebe-8ee95147bcc3″ class=<span id="urn:enhancement-2d03ff3d-de9e-7172-450e-f79bd2824840" class="textannotation">“textannotation”>s the globe.


<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183858 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/50-Digital-2019-Gl

obal-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-134-LinkedIn-Overview-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/50-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-134-LinkedIn-Overview-796×448.png”>LinkedIn has also seen strong growth across individual countries in recent months. The largest percentage change is in Myanmar, where the platform added roughly 80,000 new users in the past three months. LinkedIn has also delivered strong growth across many parts of developing Africa, but it’s worth noting that the overall audience sizes in nt-89d8fdbb-a00b-2a17-7e4f-8b5181a2c2ac” class=”textannotation”>many of these countries is still relatively small.


LinkedIn is also growing in many developed markets, despite starting from a strong base. The company’s latest advertising data show that useass=”textannotation”>rs grew by 14 percent in Japan in the past quarter, and by 13 percent in both South Korea and Singapore, despite the latter already ranking in LinkedIn’s top 20 countries by eligible penetration (note that we’re using adults aged 18+ for LinkedIn’s eligible audience, rather than the 13+ we’ve used for the other platforms).


6. YouTube

The world’s favorite video platform doesn’t share in-depth insights into its advertising audiences, but this year’s reports include some other YouTube data points that marketers will find useful.

Much of this data points to the fact that music is the top draw for YouTube audiences, especially in the platform’s high-growth markets. Music-related topics accounted for half of the top 20 search queries for on YouTube during 2018, with users in Thailand searching so frequently for music-related content that the local word for ‘song’ – เพลง96360c97d5″ class=”textannotation”>> –&nbsp;appears at number 13 in the global top 20 rankings.pan>

<s< span=””>pan>Movies and ‘TV content’ accounted for much of the rest of the list, but it’s worth noting that the games Fortnite and Minecraft both attracted huge volumes of interest on YouTube throughout 2018.




Music videos account for nine out of YouTube’s ten all-time most-watched videos, with Despacito amassing close to 6 billion total views by the time of writing. PewDiePie retains top spot in the global YouTube account rankings, but – as has been reported <a class="textanno<span id=" href="https:tation”>//www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-46602705″ data-mce-href=”https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-46602705″>widely ntimes.com/tech/pewdiepie-vs-t-series-youtuber-s-fans-reportedly-hack-wsj-s-website-hijack-more-printers/story-e3WGMX6O54cq7aSKOBgVoL.html” data-mce-href=”https://www.hindustantimes.com/tech/pewdiepie-vs-t-series-youtuber-s-fans-reportedly-hack-wsj-s-website-hijack-more-printers/story-e3WGMX6O54cq7aSKOBgVoL.html”>in the mediaand to the alarm of legions of PewDiePie fans – he’s at risk of losing this mantle to T-Series, an Indian music label and movie studio.



7. Other platforms

Unfortunately, WeChatLINE, and VKontakte all declined our requests for more detailed insights into their worldwide audiences, so we’re unable to provide any richer insights for these platforms beyond headline user numbers. As always though, I’m hopeful that343b058c44d8″ class=”textannotation”> this situation may change, so if anyone from those companies is reading this and would like to share data for future <span id="urn:enhancement-7c2d64ab-06e9-7ce0-d0c1-2d8d02f83d2a" class="textannotation“>reports, please <span< span=””>>get in touch</span<>.

Mobile users in 2019

The number of people around the world who use a mobile phone increased by 100 million in 2018, with the global total reaching more than 5.1 billion users by January 2019. This figure brings worldwide mobile penetration to 67 percent – more than two-thirds of the total global population.


Sadly, Google hasn’t published an update to its Consumer Barometer study in the past year, so we’re unable to report new data for unique 26cd21b7-e777-91d7-bf31-87e39cf45476″ class=”textannotation”>mobile users by 8409-984c-680e-40b2-6825f3a329be” class=”textannotation”>country. However, we do have all the latest numbers for mobile connections around the world, thanks to GSMA Intelligence. It’s worth noting that GSMA Intelligence has revised its figures since last year though, so the numbers in this year’s report won’t be directly comparable to those we reported in our Digital 2018 reports.

In particular, the figure for uniqua3-a71f-749d-a729-96e9bb9e6ff9″ class=”textannotation”>e mobian>le users we’re quoting this year is lower than the number we published last year, but –&nbsp;based on GSMA Intelligenc<span id="urn:enhancement-31ad2c67-0ed8-393c-ce3b-be835d4eb40b" class="textannotation">e’s 9-5002-68f6-b268e4a80117″ class=”textannotation”>24-f981-0593-f747-2440a69cfad3″ class=”textannotation”>n>revised dataset – this year’s figure actually represents growth of 100 million new users versus January 2018.

The number of mobile connections around the world has grown by more than 4 percent in the past twelve months, reaching more than 8.8 billion at the start of 2019 (note that this figure also includes IoT cellular connections). However, the typical mobile user around the world now has an average of 1.73 mobile connections, so we must be careful not to misinterpret connections as unique users.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183863 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="796" height="448<span id=" sizes="(max-width: 796px) 100vw, 796px" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-796×448.png" data-lazy="true" data-srcset="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-796×448.png 796w, https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-280×158.png 280w, https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-480×270.png 480w, https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-240×135.png 240w, https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-1592×896.png 1592w, https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-157-Mobile-Map-1200×675.png 1200w"/>

” data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/55-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-15<span id="urn:enhancement-53357db8-e750-9511-e73f-7b9563538187" c="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/">lass=”textannotation”>7-Mobile-Map-796×448.png”>The latest data from Ericsson suggest that smartphones now account for two-thirds of global mobile connections, indicating that almost 5.5 billion smartphones are in use around the world today. That’s a considerable change versus this time last year, with the latest data suggesting annual growth of nine percent. Compared to the same data for 2018, this equates to an additional 450 million smartphones in u<span id="urn:enhancement-da35b85e-a4d3-06e4-6999-178cbab1bd85" class="textannotation”>se today versus this time last year.

Close to 2.5 billion ‘feature phone’ handsets are still in use around the world though, while connections associated with PCs, tablets, and mobile routers have reached 270 million.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183864 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="796" height="448" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/56-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-164-Mobile-Connectivity-by-Device-796×448.

png”>The percentage of mobile connections that can be classed as ‘broadband’ – i.e. 3G and above – has increased significantly since early 2018, with a relative year-on-year increase of more than 16 percent. Almost half of all mobile connections<span id="urn:enhancement-188e88d9-4f25-3e63-58e1-70a50de0cfbe" class="textannotation"> around the world are now 4G (LTE), according to reports from the Global Mobile Suppee0fe-4a0b-718f-fa45-14751418122c” class=”textannotation”>liers Association (GSMA), and the number of LTE subscriptions jumped by almost 50 percent in the year to July 2018.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183865 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs

.dir/1/files/2019/01/57-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-165-Mobile-Connections-by-Type-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/57-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-165-Mobile-Connections-by-Type-796×448.png”>Three-quarters of the world’s mobile users pay for their connections via top-ups rather than paying by monthly installments, down slightly from the 76 percent we report<span id="urn:enha-c6baee1c-1508-1ece-efc5-c7ee6c995da3″ class=”textannotation”>ncement-acab9cd1-f628-8a5e-0aa5-e1092925eb0a” class=”textannotation”>ed this time last year. However, the picture varies from one extreme to the other across the globe.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183866 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="796" height="448" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/58-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-167-Mobile-P

” class=”textannotation”>re-Paid-vs-Post-Paid-796×448.png”>Total mobile connections have continued to grow steadily over the past 5 years, with operators activating more than 2.2 billion new connections during that time. However, with the rollout of new 5G networks over the next few years, industry experts predict that connection growth will start to accelerate as the demand for IoT connections increases.


Mobile activities in 2019

With roughly 5.5 billion smartphones in use across the world today, it’s little surprise that the mobile app market is booming. The latest data from App Annie show that app downloads increased by nine percent over the past 12 months, reaching close to 200 billion total downloads for full-year 2018.

What’s more, people are spending considerably more on apps too. App Annie reports that the world’s smartphone users spent more than $100 billion USD on apps in 2018 alone. Comparing this against the number of smartphones in use around the world that Ericsson reports for 2018, this would mean that the average smartpclass=”textannotation”>hone user now spends more than $20 USD on apps each year, and this figure is even higher in more developed economies.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1

183868″ src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/60-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-182-App-Overview-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/60-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-182-App-Overview-796×448.png”>Mobile games continue to dominate app stores, with the category achieving top spot for both downloads and revenues across both the Google Play and iOS stores in 2018. Many of the local reports in our broader Digital 2019 suite offer detailed insights into top apps by country, but here are the top global apps and games by monthly active users for full-year 2018:


Perhaps unsurprisingly, this surge in app usagclass=”textannotation”>e has also contrib uted to a significant increase in the amount of mobile data we consume. Ericsson’s latest //www.ericsson.com/en/mobility-report/reports/november-2018″ data-mce-href=”https://www.ericsson.com/en/mobility-report/reports/november-2018″>Mobility Report shows that the world now consumes more than 20 billion gigabytes of mobile data each month, w<span id="urn:enhancement-123ea183-39e7-03e4-b45d8-f34e6c1cf318″ class=”textannotation”>82-9649095139cf” class=”textannotation”>hile data in the company’s <spa< span=””>n>Mobility<span id="urn:enhancement-e287c22a-e3c1-3582-9472-1” class=”textannotation”>bd383f23a84″ class=”textannotation”> Visualizer tool</spa<> indicates that the average smartphone device now consumes <s< span=””>pan id=”urn:enhancement-15a1648d-56f9-dfdb-cd4a-05ab4a408014″ class=”textannotation”>alm</s<>ost 7GB of mobile data every month.>

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-11838 7

0″ src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/62-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-178-Mobile-Data-Consumption-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/62-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-178-Mobile-Data-Consumption-796×448.png”>Still with me? Phew. I warned you this would be a long one.

Ecommerce users in 2019

We’ll finish this year’s analysis on another high point. The latest data from Statista’s Digital Market Outlook studies show that e-commerce spend has grown by 14 percent year-on year, with the company estimating that full-year 2018 spend on consumer goods alone topped US$1.78 trillion.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183871 lazy" src="" data-src="https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-conten

t/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/63-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-198-E-Commerce-Consumer-Goods-796×448.png” alt=”” width=”796″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/63-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-198-E-Commerce-Consumer-Goods-796×448.png”>It’s important to note that Statista has revised all of its ecommerce data since our Digital 2018 reports, so – once again – these numbers will not be directly comparable to the figures in last year’s reports. However, the good news is that Statista has also shared updated data on annual growth, so we ca<span id="urn:enhancement-ccf15a7d-da2e-1c23-263e-0aaa69758a59" clas="http://thenextweb.com/" span="http://thenextweb.com/" class="textannotation">s=”textannotation”>n still report detailed insights into annual growth.

At 17 percent, ‘Fashion & Beauty’ posted the strongest growth over the past year, with annual global spend in the category now topping half a trillion US dollars. However, online travel and accommodation bookings accounted for the largest share of consumer ecommerce spending in 2018, with users around the world spending a combined $750 billion USD on online trpan>avel over the course of the full year.


The number of ecommerce users has also grown considerably since last year, with Statista reporting that more than 2.8 billion people around the world now shop online. These shoppers are spending more money too, with the latest global average revenue per user figures (ARPU) up by more than 10 percent year-on-year to reach $634 USD.


Ecommerce <span id="urn:enhancement-83a17f6c-c65a-e45a-c40e-0a70421c389e" class="textannotation”>penetration is still quite varied around the world though, and there is still plenty of room for growth in some of the world’s biggest economies. GlobalWebIndex reports that 74 percent of Indian internet users say they have purchased something online in the past month, but with internet penetration in the country hovering just above 40 percent, there are still hundreds of millions of people across the country who have yet to join the ecommerce revolution.


Digging a bit deeper into the ecommerce data, we’ve compared the latest ARPU figures to GDP per capita, making it easier to get a sense of how important ecommerce is across different countries. The standout story in this comparison is China, where people spend more than 7 percent of GDP per capita online.


Meanwhile, data from Worldpay’s recent Global Payments Report allow us to look at ecommerce spend in the context of broader retail spend. We’ve combined the figures Worldpay have reported for both ecommerce and offline point-of-sale spends to create a proxy for ‘total retail spend’, which we can use to understand ecommerce’s overall share.

As you might expect, the figures vary considerably from one country to another, but those individual numbers make for insightful reading. It’s particularly interesting to note that – despite the strength of ecommerce in China – the country isn’t even in the top 10 in this list.


The local picture

Just before I conclude with some key forecasts for the coming year, I thought you’d like to know that the full Digital 2019 suite includes individual reports for more than 230 countries and territories around the world. To whet your appetite for those local reports, here’s a summary of the key headlines f>or each geography in our dataset. Don’t forget to read on below for those forecasts, though.</s

<iframe style="border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px; margin-bottom: 5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen="allowfullation”>is isn’t a predictions piece; rather, it’s an extension of the trends that I’ve been seeing in this year’s data.

  • Voice control will increase in importance: the next phase of internet growth will come almost entirely from developing markets. However, as you can see in the chart below, many of these countries suffer from lower levels of literacy compared to the countries that dominate the internet today.

    As a result, global platforms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon will look for more user-friendly interfaces to serve these new users, and voice looks set to dominate these efforts, at least in the near term. For clarity though, this isn’t</i> a story about the rise of smart speakers in Africa; rather, it’s about a complete and revolutionary change in the way people interact with connected content and devices.

<img class="aligncenter size-featured_img wp-image-1183877 lazy" src="" alt="http://thenextweb.com/" width="7

96″ height=”448″ data-mce-src=”https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2019/01/69-Digital-2019-Global-Overview-Images-v01-Slide-29-Literacy-Map-796×448.png”>

  • <b< span=””>>The social landscape will evolve: with some of th<span id="urn:enhancement-d2c9af90-910e-c45b-b5b2-d6e1cd625e1b" class="textannotation”>e world’s top social platforms losing users over extended periods, it’s likely that we’ll see some attrition and consolidation in the social media industry over the coming months. If current downward trends continue, we can expect investors in both Twitter and Snapchat to increase pressure on those companies’ boards to accept an offer of acquisition.

    At the same time, it feels like ‘the next big innovation’ is already overdue. However, this isn’t about the move to the ‘stories’ format, much as that will inevitably be one of the biggest stories in social media in 2019. Rather, my sense is that priva<span id="urn:enhancement-d1a7e3fc-8d1c-9433-2720-6574950fe9a8" class="textannotation”>cy concernschanges in people’s soe5-f389-617f-a125-031a467f306c” class=”textannotation”>cial media preferences and behaviors, and broader fatigue with existing platforms will all comb<span id="rn:enhancement-eb57184f-1ac6-9132-6230-424e0c340d2a” class=”textannotation”>urn:enhancement-3413d653-4205-715f-e69f-3ee3f7974032″ class=”textannotation”>ine to inspire a series of new social platforms in 2019, perhaps making use of new innovations like Tim Berners-Lee’s <a href="https://solid.inrupt.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">SOLID. This would fundamentally change the very fabric of business on the internet though, so expect to see plenty of resistance from the ‘Four Horsemen’.</b<>
  • Marketing as a service: looking behind<span id="urn:enhancement-f7027ad8-644f-2c4e-e49b-4a47d4cd96ff" class="textannotation”> the scenes of the brands that achieve the greatest success on the internet, it becomes apparent that many of them share something in common: they treat marketing as a service. Rather than pumping out endless corporate propaganda and trite advertising, these brands use their marketing budgets to create things of value for their audiences. Whether it’s something as simple as a valuable how-to video on YouTube, or a large scale event that puts the audience at the heart of the action, this ‘marketing as a service’ is the only antidote to ongoing media inflation and the audience shift from newsfeeds to stories.

Digging deeper<p< span=””>>If you’d like to dig deeper into the full collection of Digital 2019 reports, you’ll find every one of them for free over on DataReportal.comtogether with all of our previous reports from the past 8 years.


And if this ridiculously long post hasn’t put you off the idea of discuss=”textannotation”>extannotation”>ing these themes with me in more detail, please feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

That’s it for this year, though; I wish you all the best for your own year of impressive digital growth in 2019, and I look forward to seeing you again, same time, same place, next year.


This post is part of our contributor series. The views expressed are the author's own and not necessarily shared by TNW.

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