
janvier 31, 2019

63 entreprises pour moins de 10 000 $

Idées d'entreprise

Besoin d'une nouvelle idée d'entreprise? Voici plus de 60, vous pouvez courir avec maintenant.

 63 entreprises qui démarreront pour moins de 10 000 dollars

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                    69 min de lecture

Vous savez que vous voulez commencer quelque chose pour vous-même. Vous avez juste besoin de canaliser votre ambition et votre temps dans une idée qui permettra de gagner de l'argent supplémentaire, de vous rendre fier et éventuellement de mener à une entreprise à temps plein. Ce sera encore mieux si vous obtenez ce moment étonnant lorsque vous dites "j’arrête!" à votre patron. Mais quelle bonne idée devriez-vous commencer?

Des services de garde d’enfants aux services de conseil en passant par la planification de soirée, en passant par la consultation en entreprise, la fabrication artisanale et la rédaction de curriculum vitae, vous trouverez une liste de tous les niveaux de compétences, d’intérêts et de budgets vous pouvez commencer pour moins de 10 000 $ . Certaines idées énumérées ici peuvent même être lancées pour moins de 2 000 $!

Ces entreprises peuvent être lancées à temps plein ou à temps partiel. Votre emplacement peut être le domicile ou le commerce de vos clients, un fourgon ou un camion de travail, une petite devanture de magasin ou même un simple site Web. Vous ferez de la publicité localement avec des tracts et des coupons, des clients potentiels à venir ou une boutique avec un site Web. Les clients recherchant une campagne de publicité en ligne dépendront de l'idée commerciale que vous choisissez.

De même que 5 franchises abordables. Vous pouvez commencer pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Chaque idée comprend un aperçu de l’entreprise, une recommandation de niveau de compétence nécessaire pour fournir le service ou créer le produit, des idées pour la promotion de votre entreprise et les tarifs moyens actuels pratiqués par d’autres entreprises dans ce domaine. Nous avons également inclus une liste de ressources pour chaque idée d'entreprise, y compris des associations professionnelles, des sites Web et des livres, ce qui vous aidera à poursuivre vos recherches si une idée suscitait votre passion. Faire figurer une ressource dans cette liste d’idées n’est en aucun cas une approbation de la société ou de la publication; Il est de la responsabilité de chaque entrepreneur de s’assurer qu’il fait affaire avec des organisations de bonne réputation. Il s’agit plutôt des premières ressources pour passer de l’idée à la possession d’une entreprise.

Idées d’affaires de moins de 2 000 dollars
Idées d’affaires de moins de 10 000 dollars

63 entreprises de moins de 10 000 dollars

Service de reprise

 Service "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801124517-resume-fy7qrvpu.jpg?width=1000[19659017pyre$2000</h2><p> Trouver les mots parfaits pour décrire le pourquoi de leurs expériences, des compétences particulières et des intérêts qui en font le candidat idéal pour un emploi est un travail difficile. C'est pourquoi les services de CV continuent de prospérer malgré le fait que la plupart des gens ont les outils (un ordinateur et un programme de traitement de texte) pour écrire les leurs. Si vous êtes un fabricant de mots ayant des antécédents en ressources humaines, en gestion ou en administration, cette idée est peut-être l’occasion idéale pour vous.</p><p> L’un des meilleurs avantages de l’idée de démarrer un service de CV est que vous pouvez commencer petit, en partie. et gardez les coûts bas en travaillant à la maison avec votre ordinateur actuel. C'est l'occasion idéale pour les personnes cherchant à gagner quelques centaines de dollars supplémentaires par mois. Outre les curriculum vitae, l’écriture de lettres de motivation et de remerciements, l’aide avec les profils LinkedIn et l’aide des clients à la constitution de portefeuilles si leur secteur l’exige. Pour séparer votre idée de service de CV de celle de vos concurrents, envisagez de proposer des services de conseil sur la manière de vous habiller pour les entretiens, sur la façon de gérer eux-mêmes les entretiens difficiles, sur la manière de faire des appels téléphoniques de suivi, sur la préparation des entretiens réseau pour ce travail de rêve. Annoncez localement, en ligne et par le biais d'expositions professionnelles. Une fois établie, la publicité de bouche à oreille et les témoignages de clients vous tiendrons au courant de cette idée d'entreprise.</p><p><b> Lié: <a href= Comment créer une entreprise en ligne


Investissement: moins de 2 000 USD

Tarif: 15 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 1-2


63 entreprises démarrant à moins de 10 000 $

Personal Shopper

 Personal Shopper "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131204029-GettyImages-608166799.jpeg?width=1000


Thomas Barwick | Getty Images

Si vous aimez faire du shopping, c'est une idée commerciale pour vous. Gagnez beaucoup d’argent et amusez-vous en créant un service d’achat personnel qui aide les personnes trop occupées à faire des achats, qui n’aiment pas faire des achats ou qui ne peuvent pas sortir pour faire leurs propres achats. Beaucoup de gens occupés et bien nantis aiment l'idée d'embaucher des acheteurs personnels pour sélectionner des cadeaux pour toutes sortes d'occasions spéciales, notamment les anniversaires, les naissances, les mariages, les vacances et les anniversaires. Et ce ne sont pas seulement les nouveaux produits qu'ils recherchent: des concepteurs d'intérieur et des collectionneurs font également appel à des particuliers pour fouiller dans les marchés aux puces, les magasins-consignations, les antiquaires et les vide-greniers (objets de collection, objets d'art, livres, antiquités, et pour la maison et le bureau). décor.

Les entreprises embauchent des acheteurs personnels pour acheter des cadeaux aux clients, prospects, partenaires commerciaux, investisseurs, employés et dirigeants, ainsi qu’à l’achat de produits contre des cadeaux offerts lors de manifestations, cérémonies et séminaires. Les personnes âgées et les autres personnes qui peuvent avoir du mal à se déplacer embauchent des acheteurs personnels pour acheter de l’épicerie, des vêtements et d’autres produits ménagers et personnels. Mieux encore, aucune expérience n'est requise pour commencer. Si vous aimez faire du shopping, avez bon goût, êtes créatif et ne craignez pas la mise en réseau avec des propriétaires d'entreprise, des dirigeants d'entreprise et des personnes de tous les horizons, vous êtes qualifié pour concrétiser l'idée d'entreprise de personal shopper. 19659019] En un clin d'oeil

Investissement: Moins de 2K $

Taux: 25 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 1


63 Commencez pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Service de retouche à domicile

 Service de retouche à domicile "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731112042-graphicstock-attractive-young-woman-trying-on- robe-devant-du-miroir-dans-le-magasin-de-vetements-sdwxwpzbhl.jpg? width = 1000

Appel à toutes les personnes ayant des compétences en couture et une machine à coudre! Il est temps de capitaliser sur votre talent et vos idées en fournissant des services de modification de vêtements et de tissus directement dans un espace de travail à domicile et en gagnant un maximum d'argent.

Nettoyeurs à sec, détaillants de mode, détaillants d'articles d'uniforme, boutiques de mariée, magasins de costumes, draperies et magasins de vêtements en consignation – tous sont des clients potentiels pour votre service. En fait, toute entreprise qui vend au détail ou loue des vêtements de toute sorte est une clientèle potentielle, de même que toute personne ayant besoin de services de modification.

Essayez cette idée comme méthode de marketing rapide: mettez une chaussures confortables et commencez à appeler les entreprises les plus susceptibles de faire appel à des services de modification. Offrez un enlèvement et une livraison gratuits, des délais d'exécution rapides, un excellent service et une finition de qualité, le tout à des prix équitables. Vos clients professionnels en bénéficient car ils peuvent offrir gratuitement des services de modification à leurs clients, ce qui leur permet de continuer à travailler. Ou bien, ils peuvent accéder à un centre de profit en annotant ce que vous facturez. En plus de vos compétences en couture, vous aurez besoin des outils du commerce de la couture et des moyens de transport fiables pour mener à bien cette idée d'entreprise.

En bref

Investissement: de moins 2K $

Tarif: 15 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 2


  • Association des professionnels de la couture et du design
  • Association des couturiers et des concepteurs
  • Sewing.org

63 Entreprises du à Commencez pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Service de voiturier

 Service de voiturier "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151229190702-company-car-businessman-driving-travel-travel-road- trip-automotive-driver-corporate-insurance-vehicle.jpeg? width = 1000

Un permis de conduire, la possibilité d'obtenir une assurance responsabilité civile et une personnalité amicale et amicale sont les trois éléments essentiels de l'idée d'entreprise d'un service de voiturier -events. L’entreprise peut être lancée avec un minimum d’argent, c’est une excellente idée à temps partiel et un potentiel de profit excellent, les tarifs des services de voiturier variant entre 50 et 70 dollars de l’heure pour un équipage de deux à trois personnes.

Il existe de nombreuses bonnes idées pour commercialiser vos services de voiturier directement auprès des consommateurs qui organisent des fêtes et des événements, des sociétés qui organisent des conventions et d’autres organisateurs de mariage et de mariage, des organisateurs de foires commerciales et des organisateurs de salons professionnels. groupes et organisations de charité. Les uniformes portés par tous les membres du personnel et portant le nom de votre entreprise, votre slogan, un service clientèle incroyable et un sourire souri-rieront les clients et leur garantissent de nombreuses références commerciales et le bouche-à-oreille.

En bref

Investissement: Moins de 2K $

Tarif: 15 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 1


63 entreprises choisies pour commencer Moins de 10 000 $

Service de fête pour enfants

 Service de fête pour enfants "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150716215640-little-gym-kids-playing.jpeg?width=1000 [19659040] L'amour des enfants et la planification de fêtes sont les deux conditions préalables les plus importantes pour la création et le fonctionnement d'un service de fête pour enfants. Et c’est une idée d’affaire intéressante: les parents dépensent beaucoup plus pour les fêtes de leurs enfants qu’il ya une génération. Selon l'Association internationale des parcs d'attractions et des attractions, le revenu moyen d'un hôte pour l'anniversaire d'un enfant est de 370 dollars. Il existe deux manières de gérer un service de fête pour enfants. Premièrement, vous pouvez utiliser votre téléphone portable et organiser la fête chez vos clients. Deuxièmement, vous pouvez organiser les fêtes à partir d'un espace loué ou d'un parc réservé, ce qui oblige les fêtards à venir chez vous. Que vous utilisiez un téléphone mobile ou un lieu fixe, les tâches restent les mêmes: organiser la fête, décorer, proposer des divertissements, de la nourriture, des boissons, des jeux de scène et des concours, et faire de cet événement une expérience vraiment amusante pour les enfants. et leurs parents. Les tarifs varient en fonction du menu, des divertissements, des jeux et des frivoles, mais commencent à environ 20 USD par invité et montent jusqu'à 100 USD par invité pour des idées de fête hautement spécialisées et thématiques.</p><p> <i> <b> </b> </i></p><p> Investissement: moins de 2 000 dollars</p><p> Tarif: 15 $ et plus</p><p> Niveau de compétence: 1</p><p> Ressources:</p></div></section><section class=

63 entreprises démarrant à moins de 10 000 dollars

Gâteau et pâtisserie

 Pâtisserie à gâteaux et gâteaux "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731113136-close-up-of-some-decadent-gourmet-cupcakes-frosted-with-a-variety -of-of-glosting-flavors-sfnvrv0si.jpg? width = 1000

Fabriquer, décorer et vendre des gâteaux et des cupcakes uniques pour des occasions allant des anniversaires aux mariages en passant par les anniversaires est une excellente idée d'entreprise pour le passe-temps boulanger à poursuivre, et qui est potentiellement très rentable. Vous pouvez commencer avec un budget restreint en cuisant et en décorant directement dans votre propre cuisine. Contactez les organisateurs de mariage, les photographes, les boutiques de mariage, les organisateurs d'événements, les restaurants, les organisateurs de fêtes d'enfants et les entreprises de restauration pour les informer sur les gâteaux de spécialité que vous fabriquez et vendez. Une idée marketing efficace consiste à envoyer des échantillons de vos gâteaux pour s’assurer qu’ils gèrent les affaires à votre façon.

Créez un site Web avec des photos de vos créations et publiez-les sur des réseaux sociaux. Sur une grande échelle, vous pouvez louer des cuisines commerciales afin de disposer de suffisamment de place pour produire en masse des gâteaux pouvant être vendus en gros aux restaurants et aux épiceries. La cuisson et la décoration de gâteaux spéciaux peuvent être très rentables, les coûts des ingrédients ne représentant que 15 à 20% du prix de vente au détail.

En bref

Investissement: inférieur à 2K $

Tarif: 15 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 1-3


  • Société internationale d'exploration de gâteaux
  • Association nationale des professionnels du mariage

– 63 entreprises démarrant à moins de 10 000 $

] Personal Chef

 Personal Chef "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731094238-cook-chef-cooking.jpeg?width=1000[19659040¹Prenezvoscasserolesetpoêlescompétencesculinairesetl'amourdelanourritureetaprislarouteentantquechefpersonnelàlalocationPréparezdesrepasgastronomiquespourlespersonneshébergeantdesréceptionsàdomiciledesévénementsspéciauxcommedesanniversairesoudesanniversairesainsiquepourlesdéjeunersd'entreprise-ilexisteunecuisinesurplaceoùvouspouvezutiliserpourcréervoschefs-d'œuvregourmandsetappétissants</p><p> Personal Chef les services sont rapidement en train de devenir une alternative populaire pour les personnes qui ne disposent pas du budget nécessaire pour organiser un événement traiteur à grande échelle et pour les autres organisant de petits rassemblements ne nécessitant pas de services de restauration complets. Les avantages de cette idée de démarrage par rapport à une entreprise de restauration à service complet sont évidents: faibles frais généraux et investissement initial, heures de fonctionnement à plein temps ou à temps partiel et gestion facile à domicile. Cette idée peut intéresser les personnes qui souhaitent ralentir, mais souhaitent en même temps gagner un excellent revenu en faisant quelque chose qu’elles aiment.</p><p> Promouvez votre idée de service de chef personnel en adhérant à des associations professionnelles et à des clubs sociaux communautaires pour mot sur votre entreprise et le menu. Le service peut facilement être soutenu par une publicité de bouche à oreille et une activité renouvelée une fois établi, à condition que la nourriture soit excellente et que le service soit sans égal. En outre, la création d’alliances avec les organisateurs de réceptions et les coordonnateurs d’événements est une idée de marketing qui va sans dire. Les tarifs varient en fonction de facteurs tels que l'offre de nourriture et le type de menu demandé. Cependant, les gains moyens varient entre 35 et 50 dollars l'heure.</p><p> <i> <b> En bref </b> </i></p><p> Investissement: Moins de 2K $</p><p> Tarif: 25 $ +</p><p> Niveau de compétence: 2-3</p><p> Ressources:</p><ul><li> Association américaine des chefs privés et privés</li><li> Association des chefs personnels unifiés</li><li> <i> <a href= Le chef personnel professionnel de Candy Wallace et Greg Forte (Wiley, 2007)

Début de la création de 63 entreprises à moins de 10 000 dollars

Fabrication d’aliments artisanaux

 Fabrication d’aliments artisanaux "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/2017 42731095221-book -recipe-cook-read.jpeg? width = 1000

Avez-vous une recette secrète qui fait saliver les amis? Une obsession particulière pour un ingrédient tel que le miel local ou l'extrait de vanille? De nombreux entrepreneurs, comme vous, préparent dans leurs cuisines des aliments en petites quantités destinés à la vente dans des magasins d'alimentation haut de gamme, des restaurants locaux et des marchés de producteurs. Les idées incluent des huiles infusées, du sel aromatisé, des bonbons et des truffes, des salsas et des sauces piquantes, des légumes séchés, des légumes marinés et des gelées et beurres de fruits. La qualité est essentielle car les consommateurs attendent les meilleurs ingrédients locaux s’ils paient un supplément pour vos produits faits maison. Une bonne histoire et une excellente vente peuvent aussi aider!

Tout d'abord, renseignez-vous sur les lois locales et fédérales en ce qui concerne votre idée de ce que vous ferez dans la réglementation de votre cuisine et de l'étiquetage des aliments. Vous devrez peut-être envisager de louer un espace dans une cuisine commerciale communautaire qui s'adresse à des entreprises comme la vôtre. Deuxièmement, assurez-vous de créer vos aliments en toute sécurité, surtout si vous les mettez en conserve. Ensuite, commencez à cuisiner! Demandez à vos amis et à votre famille d’agir en tant que dégustateurs jusqu’à perfectionner vos créations. Puis rendez-vous dans les fermes locales, les marchés artisanaux et les foires des rues pour vendre vos friandises.

En bref

Investissement: Moins de 2K $

Tarif: Variable

] Niveau de compétence: 2


63 entreprises démarrant pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Cours de musique

 Cours de musique "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801120738 -graphicstock-gros-plan-de-un-jeune-belle-belle-roux-brune-cheveux-caucasien-fille-plyaing-piano-creatif-performance-musique-concept-musique-elle-est-habillée-avec-une-chemise-noire -et-joue-un-piano-rouge-rawzdfj5y-.jpg? width = 1000

Si vous savez chanter, jouer de la guitare, du piano, de la batterie, ou d'un instrument à cordes ou à vent assez bien pour enseigner aux autres, alors quoi est-ce que tu attend? Tirez parti de vos talents et gagnez un bon revenu, à temps plein ou à temps partiel, en enseignant aux clients comment jouer de l'instrument de leur choix. Les cours peuvent être donnés individuellement ou en groupe, chez vous, chez l’élève, dans un local commercial loué ou dans un établissement public, en collaboration avec des programmeurs communautaires des cours de formation continue ou un magasin de musique établi. Développer l’idée commerciale ne nécessite rien de plus que d’embaucher d’autres musiciens expérimentés pour enseigner aux étudiants. Les frais sont partagés. En gros, vous trouvez les étudiants, vos instructeurs enseignent les cours et tout le monde en profite. Les tarifs varient en fonction de la taille de la classe, du niveau d’habileté et de l’instrument. Cependant, les cours collectifs coûtent en moyenne 10 $ à 20 $ l’heure pour les étudiants. Les leçons individuelles coûtent environ 40 $ l’heure, plus le coût de la location achats, matériel de cours et partitions. Alternativement, si vous préférez enseigner la musique sans le travail supplémentaire nécessaire à l’exploitation d’une entreprise, sous-traitez vos talents d’enseignant en musique à une école de musique existante et gagnez entre 15 et 25 dollars de l’heure.


Investissement: Moins de 2 000 USD

Tarif: 25 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 2


  • Association nationale des professeurs de musique
  • Association nationale pour l'éducation musicale
  • 19659049] Association nationale des professeurs de chant
  • Guilde nationale des professeurs de piano

Début de la création de 63 entreprises pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Instructeur en arts et métiers

 Instructeur en arts et métiers "src =" https: // assets. entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150904183107-knitting-hobbies-woman-relax.jpeg?width=1000

Le dessin, la peinture, la gravure et bien d'autres arts et métiers ont gagné en popularité ces dernières années. Les gens sont plus que disposés à débourser leur argent durement gagné pour apprendre. Si vous avez maîtrisé un art ou un métier, pourquoi ne pas former les autres et gagner des bénéfices substantiels pour vos efforts? Les cours du jour, du soir ou du week-end peuvent être enseignés depuis un studio à domicile, un espace commercial loué, en partenariat avec un détaillant d'artisanat, un centre communautaire ou une école.

Une autre idée est d'offrir des cours lors de soirées artistiques dans des bars et des brasseries. Faites la promotion de vos cours auprès des détaillants locaux, dans des magazines communautaires et des listes d'événements en ligne en affichant des affiches sur des babillards communautaires et en participant à des foires d'artisanat. Les entrepreneurs créatifs peuvent même choisir de filmer les cours de formation pour une diffusion en ligne ou de vendre des instructions ou des modèles sur des marchés d'artisanat comme Etsy. Vous pouvez également créer des classes spéciales pour les enfants le week-end. Les options sont presque illimitées lorsque vous avez un talent que d’autres personnes souhaitent apprendre. Les taux varient en fonction du nombre d'élèves dans chaque classe et des exigences en matière de matériel et d'équipement, mais en moyenne, les professeurs d'artisanat peuvent s'attendre à gagner entre 25 et 50 dollars l'heure.

Coup d'œil

Investissement: Moins de 2 000 USD

Taux: 25 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 2


  • Association de l'artisanat et du passe-temps
  • Etsy

63 commencer pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Garde d'animaux domestiques

 Garde d'animaux domestiques "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131204313-GettyImages-639086874.jpeg?width=1000&19659029 29.Image Crédit:  Fernando Trabanco Fotografía | Getty Images</p></div></figure><div class=

De nombreuses personnes ont des animaux de compagnie qui ne peuvent pas être hébergés ou laissés avec des amis ou des membres de la famille lorsque le besoin s'en fait sentir – animaux de compagnie souffrant de problèmes de santé chroniques ou animaux exotiques difficiles à soigner, par exemple. De même, beaucoup de gens préfèrent l'idée que leurs chiens, leurs chats et leurs autres animaux de compagnie se trouvent dans la sécurité et l'environnement familier de la maison, par opposition à un environnement d'embarquement peu familier. Lorsque ces propriétaires souhaitent ou doivent s'éloigner de leur domicile, une seule solution est disponible: louez un service de garde d'animaux pour venir chez eux et prendre soin de leur animal de compagnie bien-aimé pendant leur absence.

Si votre idée est de vous travailler à petite échelle, vous pouvez être le gardien d'animaux de compagnie. Mais si vous souhaitez travailler à temps plein tout en gardant un œil sur votre croissance, vous devrez embaucher ou sous-traiter des personnes supplémentaires. Parmi les bonnes idées pour les candidats à un emploi, citons les retraités et les étudiants qui aiment les animaux domestiques. Commercialisez vos services de garde d'animaux par le biais d'entreprises liées aux animaux de compagnie dans votre communauté, telles que des vétérinaires, des détaillants d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie, des dresseurs de chiens, des promeneurs de chiens et des services de toilettage pour animaux de compagnie. N'oubliez pas que de nombreuses personnes engagent également des gardiennes d'animaux pour de courtes périodes – week-end, soirée ou vacances familiales. Par conséquent, vous devrez élaborer des barèmes d'honoraires pour les emplois de garde d'animaux à court et à long terme.

En bref

Investissement: Moins de 2K $

Tarif: 15 $ +

Niveau de compétence: 1


63 entreprises démarrant pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Consultant en jardinage

 Consultant en jardinage "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000 /20170318141938-recruit-hire-team-startup-growth.jpeg?width=1000[19659040hnersivousaimeztravailleraugrandairetjouerdanslaterreetensavoirbeaucoupsurlesfleurslesarbreslesarbustesetlesjardinspotagersilyadeforteschancesquevoussoyezlecandidatidéalpourlanceruneentreprisedeconseilenjardinageVousapprendrezàtoutlemondecequ’ilsontbesoindesavoirpourconcevoirplanteretentretenirunpotageretunpotagerdécoratifsouproductifsAucoursdelapremièreconsultationaveclesclientsvousposezdesquestionspourdéterminerleuridéedutypedejardinetd'aménagementpaysagerqu'ilssouhaitentdeleurbudgetetdeleurcalendrierets'ilssouhaitenteffectuerlestravauxpourinstallerlejardinouenengagerd'autresÀpartirdecepointenfonctiondevosconnaissancessurlesplantesleurplacementlesollesrochesetlesengraisvouscréezunplandejardindétailléavecdesdétailsétapeparétapeadaptéauxbesoinsdechaqueclientetauxcritèresdejardinage</p><p> C'est une entreprise formidable. idée pour les entrepreneurs respectueux de rester actifs et en forme, car le travail de jardinage peut être un peu exigeant physiquement, mais génère en même temps un revenu compris entre 25 et 50 $ l'heure. C'est une entreprise qui prospérera grâce aux clients fidèles et aux références une fois qu'elles seront établies. Pour lancer le processus, faites la publicité de vos services localement en utilisant des annonces dans les journaux et en ligne. Ensuite, créez un réseau d’alliances chez les détaillants de produits de jardinage afin qu’ils transmettent vos services à leurs clients. Vous pouvez même offrir des séminaires gratuits dans les centres de jardinage, les églises et les centres communautaires locaux pour faire passer le message.</p><p> <i> <b> En bref </b> </i></p><p> Investissement: Moins de 2K $</p><p> Taux : $ 25 +</p><p> Niveau de compétence: 2-3</p><p> Ressources:</p><ul><li> Association nationale de jardinage</li><li> Agriculture urbaine</li></ul></div></section><section class=

63 entreprises pour moins de 10 000 $

Backyard Nursery

 Backyard Nursery "src = "https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731063328-growing-plant-173-g1e35lyu.jpg?width=1000[19659040hnersaveclespoucesvertsunearrière-couretunpeudetempspreneznoteCultiveretvendredesarbresetdesarbustesdirectementdechezvousestunmoyenfantastiquedegagnerquelquesmilliersdedollarsdepluschaqueannéevoirechaquemoisenfonctiondevotreespaceetdevosambitionsDemanièresurprenanteilnefautpasbeaucoupd'espacepourgénérerd'excellentsbénéficesConsidérezquevouspouvezacheterdesplantsd’érablejaponaispourenviron75centschacunengroslesplanterenpotsouentoiledejutedanslesolattendreunesaisonoudeuxpendantleurcroissanceetlesrevendreà50$ouplusUnjardinde20piedscarrésestassezgrandpouraccueillir300semiscequipeutproduireenviron150arbresvendableschaqueannéelorsquelaplantationestalternéeCelaéquivautà7500dollarsparanpourunpetitlopindeterredansvotrejardinImaginezcequevouspouvezgagnerenplantantunjardind’arbresdesemisde5060ou100piedscarrésEnplusdevendredirectementauxconsommateursdepuislessalonsdejardinageetàdomicilevouspouvezégalementvendrelesarbresetarbustesauxcentresdejardinageetauxpaysagistesauprixdegros</p><p> <i> En bref </i></p><p> Investissement : Moins de 2 000 $</p><p> Tarif: Varie</p><p> Niveau de compétence: 1</p><p> Ressources:</p><ul><li> ArborDay.org</li><li> Le système de croissance de la cour arrière de Mike</li><li> Actualités de la Terre nourricière: Création d'une pépinière dans la cour arrière</li></ul></div></section><section class=

63 Les entreprises vont commencer à moins de 10 000 dollars

Service de plan d'affaires

 Service de plan d'affaires "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731115927-graphicstock-cropped-image-of-elderly- business-man-man-assis-à-la-table-et-écrit-quelque-chose-dans-documents-b8ipyv7uhx.jpg? width = 1000

Saviez-vous qu'un sondage récent mené auprès de nouveaux propriétaires d'entreprise avait révélé que seulement 33% d'entre eux l'avaient un plan d'affaires formel? Avec près de 28 millions de petites entreprises aux États-Unis, il s’agit d’un potentiel de marché fantastique pour un service de planification d’affaires. Pour démarrer un tel service, vous devez avoir une expérience de la planification d'entreprise, être capable de mener la recherche et de gérer les chiffres qu'un plan d'entreprise requiert.

Mettez votre service en marché en assistant à des réunions de réseautage et en expliquant pourquoi une entreprise a besoin plan d'affaires. Essayez également d'obtenir une liste de toutes les licences d'enregistrement d'entreprise nouvelles et renouvelées par l'intermédiaire de votre centre de services aux entreprises local. Outre les nouvelles entreprises, vous pouvez également cibler les efforts de marketing sur les entreprises existantes et les professionnels en expansion ou ayant besoin de mettre à jour ou de créer un nouveau plan commercial. Ce service est peu coûteux à démarrer et peut être utilisé à temps partiel ou à temps plein, selon vos besoins. Les taux de facturation varient en fonction de la taille et de la portée du business plan en cours d’élaboration.

En bref Investissement: Moins de 2 000 USD

Tarif: 50 $ + [19659019] Niveau de compétence: 2


63 entreprises démarrant pour moins de 10 000 dollars

Chercheur en ligne

 Chercheur en ligne "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2 /2000/20150819200953-hands-on-key-board-coffee-house.jpeg?width=1000[19659040Faireunerecherched'informationsoupasserdesheuresàlabibliothèqueàtravaillersurdesdocumentsuniversitairesetcherchezàcomplétervosrevenusenvisagezdecréerunservicederecherchesurInternetC'estunexcellentmoyend'êtrepayépourletempsquevouspassezàlireetàsurfersurInternet!Cetteentrepriseétaitautrefoisappeléecourtaged’informationsmaissonnomachangéenmêmetempsquelesmoyensd’obtenirdesinformationsL’activitérestelamêmecaronpeutmaintenanttrouverenlignelesinformationsrecherchéesetcompiléesdansdesjournauxdesrevuesspécialiséesetdesrevuesprofessionnellesetcommerciales</p><p> Vous allez fouiller dans des rapports gouvernementaux et commerciaux et peut-être même interviewer des personnes pour trouver les informations dont vos clients ont besoin. Un service de recherche sur Internet fonctionne de deux manières. Commencez par collecter des données et des faits pertinents pour un sujet ou des sujets spécifiques, puis vendez les données compilées à des particuliers et à des entreprises nécessitant le type d'informations que vous avez compilées. Deuxièmement, les propriétaires d'entreprise et les spécialistes du marketing font souvent appel aux services d'un chercheur sur Internet pour trouver des données et des faits spécifiques concernant leur entreprise, leur secteur ou leur marché. Dans les deux cas, les clients paient pour les informations qu'ils recherchent. Les taux de facturation des services varient en fonction du temps de recherche nécessaire à la compilation des données et des coûts connexes, mais vous pouvez vous attendre à des frais de l'ordre de 25 à 35 dollars de l'heure.</p><p> <i> <b> En bref </b> </i></p><p> Investissement: moins de 2K $</p><p> Tarif: 25 $ et plus</p><p> Niveau de compétence: 1-2</p><p> Ressources:</p></div></section><section class=

63 entreprises démarrant avec moins de 10 000 $


 ] Rédaction "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731090547-business-businesswoman-businessman-teamwork-meeting-discuss-plan-write.jpeg?width=1000&19659040 RH vous-même avoir le talent nécessaire pour rédiger de manière claire et concise, créer de l'excitation et de l'intérêt et motiver les lecteurs, les auditeurs et les téléspectateurs à prendre les mesures souhaitées; le lancement d'un service de rédaction pourrait être l'occasion idéale pour vous de gagner de l'argent. Les rédacteurs préparent des textes ou des textes pour des sites Web, des publicités, des supports marketing en ligne et imprimés, des communiqués de presse, des publicités télévisées et radiophoniques, des catalogues et des étiquettes d'emballage. La demande de services de rédaction publicitaire est excellente, car la plupart des propriétaires d’entreprise, des gestionnaires et des spécialistes du marketing n’ont ni le temps, ni les compétences, ni l’intention de préparer une copie très efficace. Établir des alliances avec des graphistes, des éditeurs, des rédacteurs en chef, des agences de publicité et des agences de relations publiques est un bon moyen de mettre les pieds dans la porte, de faire sonner le téléphone et d'envoyer des courriers électroniques. Vous voudrez également un portfolio en ligne bien écrit et conçu de votre travail. Les frais de rédaction varient énormément en fonction de la préparation et de l’ampleur de la mission, mais sont en moyenne de 50 USD par heure. Si vous avez les compétences requises, vous pouvez également gagner un revenu supplémentaire en fournissant une gamme complète de services de révision, y compris la correction d'épreuves, l'indexation et la production.</p><p> <i> <b> En bref </b> </i> [1965] 19659019] Investissement: moins de 2 000 USD</p><p> Tarif: 25 $ et plus</p><p> Niveau de compétence: 2-3</p><p> Ressources:</p></div></section><section class=

63 entreprises démarrant à moins de 10 000 $

Consultant en marketing en ligne et médias sociaux

 Consultant en marketing en ligne et en réseaux sociaux "src =" https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151006113329-shutterstock-218622694.jpeg?width=1000[19659040HERquevousdirigezrarementuneentrepriseavoirletempsdesautersurTwitterouFacebookpourinteragiraveclesclientsouproposerdesventesspécialesAndhowmanybusinessownersknowhowtooptimizetheirlistingonYelpkeepupwithchangingalgorithmsonFacebookorfigureoutiftheyneedtobeonthenewestsocialmediachannel?ThisiswhereyourexpertiseasasocialmediagurucomesintoplayFirstensureyourownonlinepresenceandsocialmediasitesaretopnotchTogetexperienceofferyourservicestolocalnonprofitsorfriends'businessesOnceyouhavetheresultsinhandmarketyourservices--includinginformationonhowyou'veincreasedthesocialmediaandonlinepresenceofotherbusinesses--tolocalretailersrestaurantspersonalservicebusinessesandothersNetworkatlocalbusinessassociationsandvisitbusinessownerstosellyourservicesThedemandforsocialmediaandonlinemarketingwillonlycontinuetogrowsoyourclientswillbegratefulyoucankeepthemup-to-datewiththechangingonlinelandscapeandinfrontofconsumers'eyes</p><p><i><b>At a Glance</b></i></p><p>Investment: Under $2K</p><p>Rate: $25+</p><p>Skill Level: 2</p><p>Resources:</p><ul><li>Internet Marketing Association</li><li>Social Media Association</li><li>Social Media Examiner</li><li>Word-of-Mouth Marketing Association</li><li><i><a href=Start Your Own Consulting Business by Entrepreneur Press and Eileen Figure Sandlin (Entrepreneur Press, 2014)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Search Engine Optimization and Digital Advertising Consultant

Search Engine Optimization and Digital Advertising Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801121557-graphicstock-review-increase-rating-performance-and-classification-concept-bu sinessman-draw-five-green-stars-to-increase-rating-of-his-company-blank-background-hoqeviipese1.jpg?width=1000

In the old days, it was enough to take out an ad in the Yellow Pages to ensure potential customers would find your business. These days, you need a website, but you also need that website to rank high on search engines. How does the average business owner keep up? An online marketing and advertising consultant is similar to a marketing consultant in their goal–getting their clients new business — but online consultants specialize in search engine optimization (SEO) and advertising on Google, Facebook, and other websites. Your expertise in this arena can help local businesses rise to the top of search results and ensure the advertising money they spend is well worth it. A background in digital marketing is required for this business, as well as the type of personality that thrives on change and new advances in their industry.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $2K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • Interactive Advertising Bureau
  • National Search Engine Optimization Association
  • SEMPO: Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Floral Designer

Floral Designer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801123937-graphicstock-closeup-of-basket-with-fresh-flowers-box4mzxbhg.jpg?width=1000

If you love flowers and need to earn money to supplement your retirement income, then this just might be the right opportunity for you. If you have an eye for design, you are qualified to start your own floral design business. However, formal training is an asset, and there are a number of schools and community continuing education programs that offer floral design classes. Floral designers select flowers, greenery, and decorations to create appealing floral arrangements, such as bouquets, wreaths, and table centerpieces for any number of occasions — weddings, funerals, social events, restaurants, and business functions. Designers also use a variety of tools and materials to produce the desired cut and shape, as well as foam, wire, tape, and all kinds of containers to hold and showcase their designs. Market your services by establishing alliances with event planners, wedding planners, catering companies, and funeral homes.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $2K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Fashion Accessories Designer

Fashion Accessories Designer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131204917-GettyImages-991427116.jpeg?width=1000

Image credit:

South_agency | Getty Images

If you have a flair for design, then why not try your hand at designing fashion accessories? Get started by picking a fashion accessory to design, produce, and sell. It could be just about anything, including bridal veils, handbags, shoes, belts, belt buckles, scarves, costume jewelry, wraps, or wallets. Don't worry if your sewing or tooling skills are not up to par, because there are numerous fashion accessory manufacturers that will manufacture your designs under your name. The options for selling fashion accessories are also numerous. You can sell your wares online on Etsy and eBay, at craft fairs and consumer shows, or host in-home fashion accessory sales parties. If you are ambitious, you can also sell your products wholesale to fashion accessory retailers.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $2K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Toy Maker

Toy Maker" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151002163751-forward-thinkers-happy-child-toy-wings-flying-retro.jpeg?width=1000

Building and selling children's toys is a great way to create cherished memories for children and to supplement your income at the same time. Just think of all of the toys that you can make — wooden toys, dollhouses, stuffed animals, dolls, antique toy replicas, and puzzles, to name just a few. In fact, handcrafted toys often become treasured family heirlooms passed down to each new generation to enjoy. Fortunately, you do not need much in the way of special skills or equipment to start making and selling handmade toys, just a workshop space outfitted with basic hand and power tools or a sewing machine, the ability and patience to learn new crafting skills, and the creativity to create unique designs. With the rising interest in handmade crafts, you'll find a demand for handcrafted toys online, at local craft fairs and toy shows, and through consignment and wholesale at local boutiques.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $2K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1-2


  • Etsy
  • The Handmade Toy Alliance
  • Toy Industry Association
  • Making Heirloom Toys by Jim Makowicki (Taunton Press, 1996)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Essential Oils and Soaps Making

Essential Oils and Soaps Making" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731094747-woman-beauty-products-hair-skin.jpeg?width=1000

Manufacturing and selling essential oils and soaps from home is a unique business opportunity that will appeal to eco-friendly entrepreneurs who love handcrafted goods. By definition, essential oils are the volatile essences extracted from aromatic plants. They are up to 100 times more concentrated than the oils found in dried herbs and can be used as scents in a wide variety of health and beauty products, including cosmetics, body lotions, soaps, candles, aromatherapy burners, perfume, and aromatic potpourri products, or they can be applied directly to skin as a perfume. Soap is, of course, soap, but you can be incredibly creative making and selling soap products, using unique colors and scents, focusing on aromatherapy or organic ingredients, molding novelty soaps in fun shapes or with toys embedded inside, or extending your line into bath products like bath bombs and salts. You can get started making soaps and oils in your kitchen. A good setup for soap costs less than $500, but you may want to purchase a commercially manufactured distiller to create oils for about $1,000. Soaps and essential oils can be sold directly to consumers online, in local stores, or at craft fairs and farmers markets. Essential oils can also be sold in bulk to companies manufacturing and selling health and beauty products.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $2K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Vintage Clothing Dealer

Vintage Clothing Dealer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160331181003-clothes-shopping-store-market-vintage.jpeg?width=1000

How do you strike it rich in the vintage clothing business? You start by spending weekends at flea markets, garage sales, estate sales, and auctions looking for vintage clothing and fashion accessories, such as hats, shoes, handbags, and scarves. While most clothing will net you a nice markup, you can also hit the jackpot if you uncover decades-old fashion from Channel, Pucci or another high-end designer. Vintage clothing dealers need to be knowledgeable about the value of vintage clothing and accessories to know what to buy, how much to pay, and what the resale price should be. Skill with removing stains and making small repairs (or knowing someone who can) is also a plus. The items you purchase can be resold for a profit directly to collectors and vintage clothing retailers, at antique markets held on weekends, in an antique mall booth, or through vintage clothing online marketplaces and eBay. You may even choose to open your own retail store.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $2K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Image Consultant

Image Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150506184001-dress-success-stylish-millenial.jpeg?width=1000

Under $10,000

Image consulting is an exciting business: You can get paid big bucks to help other people look and feel great. Working as an image consultant, you can help people land a new job, spruce up for an important occasion, make a great impression on others, or just feel good about the way they look and the image they project. Image consultants help people on many fronts, including:

  • Wardrobe consulting and updating
  • Current image analysis, and the development of a new image program
  • Etiquette training that can be used in business and social situations
  • Assistance in developing better communication skills through vocabulary enhancement and voice projection
  • Assistance in developing skills such as the perfect handshake and perfect posture

Potential clients include corporate executives, people on the job market, politicians, people recovering from major illnesses and injuries, television and radio personalities, public speakers, sales professionals, and singles in or reentering the dating scene. Market your services by building a strong network of alliances that can refer their clients and contacts to your business. Be sure to include corporations, hair and makeup professionals, fitness trainers, and public relations consultants.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • Association of Image Consultants International

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Nonmedical Home Care

Nonmedical Home Care" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150508174242-senior-care-health-caretaker.jpeg?width=1000

One of the reasons that nonmedical home care is an exploding industry is our aging population. In the United States, people 65+ accounted for 12.9 percent of the population in 2009. That number will grow to 19 percent by 2030. So the need for extra care for our aging population isn't waning anytime soon. Generally, as people age they tend to need more personal attention. Nonmedical home-care services provide clients with a wide range of services specific to each individual's needs. These services can include companionship, meal preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping duties, laundry, running errands, trips to appointments, and shopping for groceries and other personal needs. In addition to seniors, nonmedical home-care workers can also provide similar services for new moms, people with disabilities, and people recovering from injury or illness. People who are reliable and compassionate thrive in this field. This is an easy service to start, with minimal skill and experience requirements, although all nonmedical home-care service workers are required to carry insurance and be bonded. You can provide the care yourself or grow to become an agency with contractors or employees.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151106193536-mascara-woman-pretty-cute-attractive-ready-morning-make-up.jpeg?width=1000

There are numerous occasions when professional makeup artistry is needed, such as weddings, film or TV shoots, professional photo shoots, important job interviews, public speaking engagements, and special occasions such as parties, reunions, and weddings. Some people may just want a makeover and lessons to feel more confident. What makes makeup artistry such a great opportunity is the flexibility it offers. You can work on a mobile basis, full- or part-time, and travel to your client's location. You can establish an independent shop or join forces with an established hair salon, day spa, or nail studio. Or you can freelance for cosmetic companies and work from retail cosmetic counters. You will want to build working relationships with wedding planners, event planners, and people in the fashion industry. Additionally, cosmetology training is recommended. Contact the associations listed below to inquire about class availability in your area.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


  • International Make-Up Association
  • Professional Beauty Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Personal Fitness Trainer

Personal Fitness Trainer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/1400260999-legal-aspects-running-personal-training-business.jpg?width=1000

Calling all fitness gurus! The time has never been better than now to start your own personal fitness business teaching people from 5 to 95 how to live a more healthy life through exercise and nutritional programs. Although there are currently no universal certification requirements for personal trainers, anyone serious about operating this service should become certified. Contact the associations listed below for more information about certification programs offered in your area. Your target audience will include anyone who wants professional guidance. You can work one-on-one. You can specialize and train busy executives, kids, disabled people, moms-to-be, or seniors. Train at people's offices or homes. Open your own fitness studio, and offer one-on-one and group training programs. In addition to developing exercise programs to match each client's individual needs, personal trainers also conduct fitness assessments and provide nutritional coaching. Training in fitness clubs, community centers, retirement homes, hospitals, cruise ships, corporations, hotels, spas, resorts, camps, and schools are also other moneymaking options open to certified personal trainers.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
  • IDEA Health and Fitness Association
  • International Fitness Association
  • National Federation of Professional Trainers
  • Start Your Own Personal Training Business by Entrepreneur Press and Ciree Linsenman (Entrepreneur Press, 2012)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Furniture Repairs and Refinishing

Furniture Repairs and Refinishing" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150827161012-vintage-furniture-chair-wallpaper.jpeg?width=1000

If you're handy with wood and upholstery, you can earn money repairing office and residential furniture, and refinishing antique furniture. The furniture-repair side of the business can be operated on a mobile basis working right from a fully equipped van, repairing furniture at your customer's location. Potential customers that commonly require furniture repair services include home and office movers, business owners, property managers, restaurants, hotels, and retailers of new and used furniture. The furniture-refinishing side of the business, namely antiques refinishing, can be conveniently operated from a well-equipped home workshop. Advertise this feature of the business by building alliances with antique dealers and interior designers who can refer their clients to your service. You can earn additional money by attending auction sales and buying furniture and antiques in need of repair and refinishing. Once they have been repaired and refinished, you can sell them for a profit via Craigslist, eBay, collector's shows and consignment shops.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


  • Professional Refinishers Group
  • Restoration Industry Association
  • The Furniture Bible by Chrisophe Pourny (Artisan, 2014)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Decorating Service

Decorating Service" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131205139-GettyImages-906503700.jpeg?width=1000

Image credit:

Caiaimage | Paul Bradbury | Getty Images

A myriad of popular TV shows on networks like HGTV and DIY network have fired up people's imaginations about how they can dramatically change the look of their homes on a relatively small budget. But there is a hook: Anyone involved with the decorating makeover must have a creative flair for decorating and design, and the skills and tools necessary to pull it all together. Not all homeowners have these skills and talents, but if you do, operating a decorating service might be right up your alley. For budget-minded clients, you can spend time at garage and estate sales, scrounge through flea markets, and scan local print and online classified ads for wacky decorative items, recycled building materials, and unique home furnishings. A flair for sewing, painting and wood furniture repair can also help you rehab unique items. All can be purchased and resold to clients at a profit as you redecorate rooms or their entire house. For well-heeled clients, stick with designer and brand-name products to transform their homes and offices into designer masterpieces. Market your service through home-and-garden shows, online by positioning yourself as a local decorating expert on social media, and by creating colorful before-and-after brochures that showcase your decorating talents.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • American Society of Interior Designers

  • Certified Interior Decorators International

  • Interior Design Society

  • International Interior Design Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000


Handyperson" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731113416-a-set-of-tools-isolated-on-white-background-g1lnzcdu.jpg?width=1000

Cash in on the multibillion-dollar home repair industry by starting your own handyperson service. Handyperson services require little explanation about the business opportunity. The main requirement for starting such a service is, of course, that you are handy with tools, have the required tools and equipment, and have a good working knowledge of many trades — painting, carpentry, flooring, and plumbing. Basically, you should be a jack- or jill-of-all-trades. Currently, handyperson billing rates are in the range of $25 to $40 per hour, plus materials and a markup to cover the costs associated with handling and delivery. The service can be promoted and marketed to both residential and commercial clients through the Yellow Pages, online classifieds like Angie's List or Craigslist, fliers and door hangers, site and vehicle signage, door knocking, and home-and-garden shows. Repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals will become your main source of new business once you are established, providing you offer clients good value and excellent service.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


  • Association of Certified Handyman Professionals
  • United Handyman Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Commercial Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801124620-green-cleaning-supplies-rfzwza6nj.jpg?width=1000

Commercial cleaning is a booming industry, generating billions in sales annually. Commercial cleaners basically perform the same services as residential cleaners — dusting, vacuuming, and polishing, but on a larger scale and with the addition of services like replenishing paper products and soaps, washing windows, stripping floors, and emptying trash and recycling receptacles. The only real downside to commercial cleaning is that in most cases the cleaning must be performed nights and/or on weekends after the business or office closes, which is actually a positive for people who want to keep their day jobs but still be able to earn extra money working nights and weekends.

Rates generally tend to be higher for commercial cleaning than residential cleaning, in the range of $20 to $30 per hour, plus paper and other special supplies. Rates are typically higher because equipment costs are more, work such as floor stripping and waxing is more specialized, and once again, the nighttime aspect of the work enables you to charge a premium. Landing contracts will require you to get out and knock on doors. Visit businesses in your community to learn if they need cleaning services or when their cleaning services contracts come up for renewal. You can also buy commercial cleaning contracts, which is a common practice in this industry but expect to pay about three to five times the monthly value. For instance, if you want to earn $1,500 per month, this will cost you in the range of $4,500 to $7,500.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1-2


  • International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association
  • ISSA (Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association)
  • Start Your Own Cleaning Service by Entrepreneur Press and Jacquelyn Lynn (Entrepreneur Press, 2014)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Rubbish Removal

Rubbish Removal" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/1393973785-5-ways-stop-sales-pitch-email-getting-trashed.jpg?width=1000

A secondhand truck or trailer, shovels, rakes, and a few garbage cans are all you need to start a rubbish removal service. Rubbish removal can be charged by the hour, by the truckload, or by quote before removing the junk. If you can offer home and business owners fast and convenient rubbish removal services at competitive prices, word-of-mouth advertising will generate more work than you can handle. Be sure to build alliances with people who can refer your business to their customers and clients; these referral brokers include real estate agents, residential and commercial cleaners, professional organizers, and home service companies such as carpet cleaners, contractors, and property managers. If you're looking for a low-cost business startup that requires little in the way of skills or experience, a rubbish removal service is one of the better choices. After expenses and dumping fees, you should have no problem earning in the range of $25 to $40 per hour. A smart side business is foreclosure cleanup: Some of these homes have furniture and other items left behind that you could resell.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 1

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Chimney Sweep

Chimney Sweep" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731113419-cozy-home-fireplace-f1ms9cpo.jpg?width=1000

Some experience is needed to clean chimneys, which makes a franchise chimney cleaning business a good choice for entrepreneurs without experience because training and the necessary equipment is provided when you purchase the franchise. The Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Chimney Sweep Guild also provide chimney sweep training. If you elect to work independently, you will need to purchase cleaning equipment such as ladders, roof jacks, and flue brushes, but these items are readily available at large centers and online, and are relatively inexpensive. In addition to experience and tools, another prerequisite is that you have no fear of heights, as much of your time working will be spent on rooftops and ladders. The average chimney will take one to two hours to clean and rates are in the $75 to $150 range per chimney cleaned, with discounts for houses with multiple chimneys. If you also have experience in masonry repairs, you can offer services such as repointing, brick sealing, installation of new liners, chimney rebuilding, and new pots and crowns to boost revenues and profits.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • The Chimney Safety Institute of America
  • The Chimney Sweep News
  • National Chimney Sweep Guild

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Blind Cleaning

Blind Cleaning" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151201183649-young-woman-opening-curtains-hope-window-free-leisure-relaxing-lisht-bright.jpeg?width=1000

Window blinds are a wildly popular window-covering choice for home and office owners across North America. With millions of window blinds hanging out there, all needing to be cleaned regularly, it makes a lot of sense to cash in by starting a blind-cleaning service. The most efficient way to clean window blinds is ultrasonic cleaning equipment, which is basically a tank filled with cleaning solution that gently cleans blinds ultrasonically, with no risk of damaging the blinds' materials or operational parts. This equipment can be mounted on a van or trailer so you can offer blind-cleaning services on site. Or, you can set up the cleaning equipment at home or in a warehouse space and offer clients free pickup, delivery, and reinstallation. In addition to homeowners, be sure to aim your marketing efforts at winning blind-cleaning contracts from schools, hospitals, hotels, institutions, corporations, and others with large numbers of window blinds.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 1


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Dent Removal

Dent Removal" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150128000529-mid-life-crisis.jpeg?width=1000

Using specialized equipment, visit clients' homes or businesses and remove small dings and dents in their vehicles, all without the need for new paint. Potential clients include private automobile owners, automobile fleet owners, new and used car dealers, and insurance companies. Operating on a mobile basis enables you to get started with limited funds and keep your overhead low. More importantly, it gives you the ability to go to where the business is available, with no geographical limitations. Many distributors and manufacturers of dent-removal tools and equipment also provide training, which is reasonably priced and requires only a few weeks to complete. Hence, even if you have no previous auto-body repair experience, you can still start and operate this business. Extra money may be earned by offering clients paint touchup services, automobile detailing services, window chip repair, and window tinting.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • Automobile Service Association
  • Ding King Training School
  • Fender Bender Magazine
  • National Paintless Dent Removal Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Bicycle Repair Service

Bicycle Repair Service" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151014175437-uber-rush-bike-biking-girl-riding.jpeg?width=1000

A mechanically inclined entrepreneur with an interest in cycling can earn a great income repairing bicycles right from the comfort of a homebased workshop. In addition to big profit potential, there are many other advantages to operating a bicycle repair service, including low overhead, huge demand for the service in an ever-growing sport, and flexible full- or part-time hours. Even if you are not experienced in bicycle repairs, there are a number of schools offering bicycle mechanic courses that take only a few weeks to complete, such as those offered by United Bicycle Institute in Oregon. The key to marketing your services is to join bicycling clubs and organizations in your community, largely because members can become customers and refer other bicycling enthusiasts to your business. You can also work on a contract basis for bicycle retailers to handle their overflow work during the busy season. Likewise, advertising online in cycling forums or in your community newspaper and distributing fliers detailing the services you provide can attract new business.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Event and Party Planner

Event and Party Planner" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20151123175620-glasses-champagne-alcohol-cocktail-banquet-holiday-party-dinner-celebration-drinks.jpeg?width=1000

If you love to plan and host parties and special events, then starting an event and party planning service will be right up your alley. Event and party planners are responsible for organizing and hosting special events such as wedding anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, and award ceremonies for their clients. Duties can include creating and sending out invitations, selecting event locations, decorations, arranging for entertainers and speakers, selecting caterers and menus, and just about everything else that is required to put on a special event without a hitch, including arranging clean-up after all the guests have left. To go into this industry you must be detail-oriented, well-organized, good communicators, and very creative. Networking, networking, and more networking will be your main marketing tool for attracting and keeping new business, peppered liberally with a good online presence, and direct-mail fliers. Get to know catering companies, event venue managers, and party entertainers. You will also need to build a reliable team of contractors — the businesses and individuals who you can rely on to supply products and services for your events promptly and on budget. They can also refer clients to you. The more reliable your team is, the more successful and profitable your event and party planning service will be.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


  • Event Planners Association
  • International Special Events Society
  • National Association of Event Planners
  • Start Your Own Event Planning Business by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc. and Cheryl Kimball (Entrepreneur Press, 2015)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Bounce House Rentals

Bounce House Rentals" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801123815-woman-jumping-on-beach-sykeoxaass.jpg?width=1000

Bounce houses are inflatable amusement games that children and adults absolutely love to bounce around in (and on) and they are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and themes. Some higher-end models feature slides, mazes, obstacle courses and water areas. Renting bouncy houses is easy, and you can make incredible profits, up to $250 per day, just for delivering, setting up, and returning at the end of the day for pick-up. This is perhaps one of the best part-time business opportunities available. New inflatable amusement games cost in the range of $2,000 for small basic models, and up to $15,000 for large, fully featured models. Used ones are available for about half the cost of new. In addition to renting these inflatables for children's birthday parties, they can also be rented to charities, sports and social clubs, and for corporate and community events. Setup is fast, taking one person approximately 30 minutes and about the same amount of time for dismantling and removal. You will need a vehicle to transport the inflatables, and space to store them.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 1


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Childcare Center

Childcare Center" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731091723-babysit-teach-kids-school-daycare-nanny.jpeg?width=1000

The escalating cost of living has made child daycare a booming industry simply because many families require two full-time incomes to make ends meet. To start for the lowest startup costs, open a homebased daycare facility. Your growth will be limited by how many children you may legally care for in your home, but so will your investment budget. If you choose to expand later, you can open a storefront or office location or in conjunction with an established business or office complex. In the United States and Canada, daycare facilities as well as childcare staff must obtain proper licensing and certification to meet minimum operating requirements. Because every state and province has its own individual licensing requirements, you will need to contact your regional municipal offices to make inquires or contact childcare associations to inquire about certification and licensing requirements in your area. Once your center is open, you will find that the problem is not finding kids to fill your facility, but having to turn down parents daily because you are at your limit. Word-of-mouth advertising is generally all the marketing that is required in this industry.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 4


  • National Association for Family Child Care
  • National Child Care Association
  • Start Your Own Child-Care Service by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc. and Jacquelyn Lynn (Entrepreneur Press, 2015)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Pet Photography

Pet Photography" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731112844-a-tri-colored-beagle-dog-posed-sitting-hy5m8rabo.jpg?width=1000

If you are an animal lover and a great photographer, what are you waiting for? Start a pet photography service! Owners of dogs, cats, reptiles, horses, champion livestock, birds, and even fish can all be potential customers. Full-time or part-time, you can operate the service on a mobile basis, from a homebased studio, from pet shops, or combine all to cover all the bases. Making the experience fun for pets and their owners will also go a long way toward securing repeat business and a ton of referrals, so liven things up with pet costumes, themed backdrops, and by offering pet video recording services, complete with music, titles, and special effects. Likewise, to boost profit potential, also offer a wide assortment of products that customers can have their pets' photographic images transferred onto — key tags, greeting cards, calendars, mugs, hats, T-shirts, sports bags, and bumper stickers.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • Pet Photographers of America Alliance
  • Professional Photographers of America
  • Pet Photography by Alan Hess (Peachpit Press, 2014)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Urban Farm Consulting

Urban Farm Consulting" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160620101853-HealthyEating.jpeg?width=1000

Consumers today are highly educated about the environmental and health impacts of the food they consume, including issues like water use, pesticides, transportation, and GMOs. To combat these problems, many are turning to urban farming to grow their own food. For people without a farming background who want to turn their yard, rooftop or even patio into an urban farm, this is where you can help. If you've got a green thumb for growing food, offer your services as an urban farm consultant. You can advise your clients on what plants will work well in their space and how to lay out the farm, how to set up irrigation, ways to protect plants from cold and heat, and when to harvest. You can also charge more to set up and maintain the farm, and go bigger by creating and managing rooftop gardens for restaurants. Get the word out by joining local food and environmental groups, giving free seminars at libraries and community centers, partnering with garden supply stores, and placing signs in the gardens you create that are visible to passers-by. Word-of-mouth — and delicious results — will be key to this business.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: Varies

Skill Level: 2


  • International Network for Urban Agriculture
  • Mother Earth News
  • UrbanFarming.org
  • My Urban Farm Business by Nourah Mumeen (Nourah Mumeen, 2015)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Cloth Diaper Service

Cloth Diaper Service" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731113243-beautiful-cute-happy-baby-isolated-on-white-background-wearing-diaper-large-copy-space-for-your-message-bf-kuuaro.jpg?width=1000

Babies use 2,500 to 3,000 diapers each year — a large expense for parents and the environment. Green-minded parents may want to use environmentally friendly cloth diapers, which are softer on babies' skin, but may feel overwhelmed by the idea of cleaning all those dirty diapers. That's where a cloth diaper delivery service comes in. Depending on how much money you have to invest, there are a couple of options for starting a cloth diaper service. First, if money is plentiful, you can offer a complete service, including diaper supply, delivery, pickup, and cleaning. Second, if funds are tight, you can simply supply delivery and pickup services and have an established commercial laundry wash the diapers at a reduced or bulk rate. Over the long term, option one will probably put more profits in your pockets than option two, as well as enable you to have more control over your business. Word-of-mouth marketing will be your main promotional tool, so be sure to get out and start the promotion train rolling by talking with as many new parents as you can. Drop off business cards with baby-product boutiques, natural food stores, moms' groups, lactation consultants, and midwives, and make sure you're findable online when someone searches for diaper services in your local area.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 1


  • Born to Love
  • Diaper Pin
  • Real Diaper Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Green Business Consultant

Green Business Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160606101526-Untitled-1.jpeg?width=1000

Need a green idea? For business owners, going green is a lot more complicated than for homeowners. While there are some simple steps small businesses can take to reduce energy use and paper and other consumption, larger businesses may be facing more complex issues like regulatory compliance, alternative energy use, green building practices, telework and commuter programs, green sources for product manufacturing materials, and obtaining governmental and other eco-labeling certifications. This field requires some training. You can become certified through college programs, with LEED certification, or companies like Go Eco Certified. Some niches of the green consulting industry like regulatory compliance and green building may require additional expertise. Find business by joining organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, marketing yourself as a green business expert in local newspapers and trade publications, and calling on local businesses and explaining how your services can save them money on energy expenditures in the long run.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-4


  • SBA Green Business Guide
  • SBA: Green Certification and Eco-Labeling
  • U.S. Green Building Council
  • Start Your Own Green Business by Entrepreneur Press and Rich Mintzer (Entrepreneur Press, 2009)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Drought-Tolerant Landscaping Consultant

Drought-Tolerant Landscaping Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731114527-a-modern-custom-built-luxury-house-in-a-residential-neighborhood-this-high-end-home-is-very-nicely-landscaped-property-byegbducri.jpg?width=1000

If you have a green thumb, an eye for landscape design, and the strength (or contractors or employees) to remove lawns, this could be the business for you. In some areas of the United States, drought conditions are causing homeowners and businesses to rethink their green lawns. Drought-tolerant landscaping services (also called native landscaping) are in vogue as people try to reduce their water usage. You'll consult with clients, looking at their current space and using your knowledge of native shrubs, herbs, flowers, succulents and bushes, as well as rocks and mulch, to redesign their outdoor space to be attractive and friendly to the environment. You may choose to partner with a local landscaping firm who will do the actual physical labor or work on the grounds yourself. These services cost about $3 per square foot, so depending on the size of the lawn, $2,000 to $10,000. Market your services with truck and lawn signage, flyers at local gardening centers, an online presence, and partnering with landscape companies that might not offer the design services.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Expense Reduction Consultant

Expense Reduction Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731074136-expense-schedule-zkcc4od-.jpg?width=1000

Calling all seasoned business managers, controllers, CFOs, operations managers, accountants, and administrators! You can greatly profit from your business experience and budgeting skills by starting an expense reduction consulting service aimed at all businesses, from small and local to multinational corporations. Expense reduction consultants provide clients with a multitude of services:

  • developing short- and long-term budgets,
  • analyzing fixed and variable overhead,
  • increasing employee productivity,
  • analyzing product and service costs,
  • and developing expense reduction strategies to meet each client's specific needs.

The objective of the expense reduction exercise is to uncover costs associated with doing business that can be reduced or eliminated entirely while maintaining or increasing the overall efficiency, productivity, and profitability of the business. Many expense reduction consultants specialize in their field of expertise — manufacturing, food services, retail, or small business, for example. Expense reduction consultants generally save clients anywhere from two to 50 times their consulting fees.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 3


  • Association of Management Consulting Firms
  • Institute of Management Consultants USA
  • Start Your Own Consulting Business by Entrepreneur Press and Eileen Figure Sandlin (Entrepreneur Press, 2014)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Medical Claims Billing

Medical Claims Billing" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131205408-GettyImages-601212716.jpeg?width=1000

Image credit:

GARO | Getty Images

With the advent of the Affordable Health Care Act, more people than ever are insured. And that means the medical billing market is on the rise. It's an extremely competitive industry, but for the determined entrepreneur, there is a good opportunity to earn $40,000 or more per year operating either a franchise or independent medical claims billing service. Doctors must bill insurance companies and Medicaid for all services performed, and the bills must be prepared to exacting standards with the proper codes for each item. While doctors can be great at treating patients, they may not be patient with submitting such paperwork electronically. You should obtain certification, which is available at a variety of colleges — try to find a community college for the best pricing. You will learn the diagnostic and procedure coding system used by doctors and health-care professionals on medical claim forms to indicate the type of service being billed, and the software used to bill. Medical billing services can charge clients a percent of the collections or $2 to $6 per claim processed. The overall profit potential for the service is good, providing you can process medical claims on a volume basis. There is a fairly steep learning curve for operating this service, and careful research and planning will be needed to ensure initial and continued success.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Import/Export Specialist

Import/Export Specialist" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/1401749268-ins-outs-shipping-exporter.jpg?width=1000

Considering the many red-tape barriers and all the issues surrounding importing products into or exporting products out of the United States, it's no wonder that so many businesses do not know how to get started and give up out of frustration. Of course, smart business owners who do not want to miss a single opportunity to grow their businesses and revenues don't give up. Instead, they hire an import/export specialist to guide them through the complex issues of the import/export business — legal, transportation, warehousing, distribution, marketing, employment, environmental, political, and financial. Starting an import/export consulting business will require experience in the industry or the willingness to learn about the industry. One simple way to market your services is to develop and host a free informational seminar on importing and exporting, and use the event to sign up businesses and individuals who want to get started in import and export.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2


  • American Association of Exporters and Importers
  • American Import Shippers Association
  • Federation of International Trade Associations
  • Small Business Exporters Association
  • The Training Registry
  • Start Your Own Import/Export Business by Entrepreneur Press and Krista Turner (Entrepreneur Press, 2014)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Customer Service Training

Customer Service Training" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731074750-teamwork-work-talk-discuss-1.?width=1000

At some point we've all received bad service from a store, restaurant, office, or online business — and it's probably happened more than once. The end result of such an encounter is usually a vow never to return to the business, to tell friends your tale, and to even post a negative review online. Rude or poorly trained employees cost companies millions of dollars each year in lost business and referral sales. But companies that take proactive steps to ensure that all employees receive professional customer service and appreciation training have a leg up on the competition. You can earn a nice living by starting a consulting service that offers customer service and appreciation training programs specifically designed to meet your clients' individual needs. The starting point is to choose a specialty, such as retail, food service, receptionists, and so forth. Training can be based on your own expertise, as well as on the input of other customer service professionals who help create the training curriculum and manuals.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Sales Trainer

Sales Trainer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170306154248-shutterstock-431848417.jpeg?width=1000

Are you recognized as a top-producing sales professional who knows how to prospect for new business, win negotiations, and close the sale every time? If so, why not share your sales knowledge and experience and make huge profits in the process by training employees, managers, small-business owners, and executives to also become top-producing sales professionals? If you don't want to rock the boat and interrupt your current sales position, you don't have to. You can train students online, via correspondence, with personal conference calls, and by way of evening and weekend workshops and seminars. This way, you can make the transition to full-time sales training as your business and client list grows. Target customers will include small-business owners, salespeople, retail clerks, corporate managers and executives, students enrolled in business and marketing courses, professional service providers, volunteer fundraisers, and real estate professionals.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2


  • Sales and Marketing Executives International
  • The Sales Management Association
  • Selling Power Magazine

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Small-Business Coach

Small-Business Coach" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160602151831-businesspeople-working-ideas-laptop-cafe-meeting-informal.jpeg?width=1000

In the United States, approximately 540,000 businesses are started each month. Combine this with the millions of small- to medium-sized businesses already operating, and the future looks very bright, and potentially profitable, for a small-business coaching service. This hot opportunity will appeal to entrepreneurs who are past or present small-business owners, business managers, or corporate executives, especially those with strong marketing, administration, operations, and financial forecasting skills. Because there is a plethora of small-business training schools and courses offered by nonprofit government agencies and for-profit businesses in both countries, you will be well advised to specialize in a specific industry, such as retail or manufacturing, and to offer clients a more personalized one-on-one training service as opposed to a classroom setting. Small-business coaches help new and existing business owners with any number of tasks, including business planning, marketing strategies, financial budgets, logistics issues, technology issues, and expansion challenges

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Self-Publishing Consultant

Self-Publishing Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170802042300-beautiful-college-girl-with-laptop-and-books-rkimsqths.jpg?width=1000

Help people fulfill their dreams of becoming published writers by starting a self-publishing consulting business. Offer your clients numerous services by preparing their manuscript for publication. You can assist with both nonfiction and fiction books, including development editing (helping to structure the book), proofreading, editing, design, marketing, and distribution. Potential clients include people who want to write the next great American novel, as well as trainers wanting to write training guides; activists (political, environmental, or any other kind) raising awareness of a cause; corporations wanting to produce a book for customers telling the history of their business, products, services, and employees; and people with interesting life stories who have written memoirs. Advertise your services in online writing portals and magazines, join writing associations and groups to network for business, and build alliances with copywriters, book printers, editors, and illustrators to capitalize on word-of-mouth referrals.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


  • Alliance of Independent Authors
  • Association for Publishers of Special Sales
  • Editorial Freelancers Association
  • Start Your Own Self-Publishing Business by Entrepreneur Press and Cheryl Kimball (Entrepreneur Press, 2012)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Freelance Photographer

Freelance Photographer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170801012001-graphicstock-half-length-of-young-handsome-caucasian-reddish-straight-hair-woman-holding-an-instant-camera-taking-a-photo-looking-in-camera-smiling-photography-artist-creative-concept-s6gavm3dkb.jpg?width=1000

There are three very good reasons why the internet has breathed new life into the freelance photography industry. First, cloud-based services make it easy to share photos with clients, publishers, editors, copywriters, marketers, and designers all around the globe in a matter of moments. Second, billions of photographic images are needed to fill billions of web pages. Third, in addition to the internet, there are millions of print publications, media companies, retailers, marketers, organizations, government agencies, and others who need new photographs every day to add meaning to newspapers, newsletters, magazines, brochures, catalogs, and presentations. Needless to say, people with fantastic photographic skills have the opportunity to earn a great living taking and selling photographs. You can contract with publishers, post photos on stock image services where you are paid royalties, or specialize in event photography for individuals (weddings, family portraits) or organizations (award dinners, industry galas). You can charge by the hour or day, and arrange for royalties depending on the type of photography you pursue.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2-3


  • Bureau of Freelance Photographers
  • National Press Photographers Association
  • Professional Photographers Association
  • Start Your Own Photography Business by Entrepreneur Press and Charlene Davis (Entrepreneur Press, 2012)

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Video Production Business

Video Production Business" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150320230019-video-viral-online-camera-focus.jpeg?width=1000

With YouTube being the second most popular site on the internet, it's apparent businesses should create their own videos. That's where you and your video skills can come in. With just a few thousand dollars worth of equipment like a high-quality camera, lapel microphone, tripods, and a small camera dolly, you can provide high-end production for businesses looking to create promotional videos or record events like grand openings and conferences or for individuals who want to document a wedding. You can charge for editing as well, or find a partner with great video editing skills who can add video effects like animated titles and appropriate music. Videographers charge $50 to 100 per hour, depending on whether the setup is single or multiple camera, and $50 per hour for editing.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Aerial Photography and Videography

Aerial Photography and Videography" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160225013744-shutterstock-220201009.jpeg?width=1000

Drones have revolutionized the aerial photography trade, which used to (and still does sometimes) depend on equipment including telescopic aluminum masts that can be extended 100 feet in the air and helium-filled blimps that can reach heights of up to 1,000 feet. Drones can be purchased cheaply, they can be outfitted with still or video cameras and the quality of this technology is constantly improving. Be aware of local and federal laws, as well as local business policies, before launching your drones. Potential clients include colleges, property developers, corporations, amusement parks, golf courses, outdoor-event organizers, resorts, mining and forestry sites, and sporting-event organizers — basically, any person or business that wants or needs aerial photograph or video of their building, event, or property. It takes a bit of learning to operate the equipment, and if you offer video, you'll also want to provide editing services. Rates are excellent because this is a highly specialized niche service.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Vacation Property Rental Agent

Vacation Property Rental Agent" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131205614-GettyImages-452425049.jpeg?width=1000

Image credit:

Cultura RM Exclusive | Leon Sosra | Getty Images

If you live in a busy tourist area, there is a good chance that you can start and flourish operating a vacation property rental agency. It is not uncommon for people to purchase vacation homes and condominiums in hopes of renting them for part or all of the year to help offset their costs. Unfortunately, rental income often fails to materialize because the property owners do not understand how much time and work is involved in renting the properties — marketing, booking, cleaning, repairs, and lots more. And most owners are usually hundreds — if not thousands — of miles away. As a result, many vacation properties sit vacant when not being used by the owners. This creates a terrific opportunity to handle rentals for the owners on a revenue-splitting basis. In addition to marketing and renting the properties, you will also be responsible for cleaning and light maintenance to ensure the properties stay in tiptop condition and get top dollar for rentals. Start small, representing one or two vacation property owners, and run the service from home. As the business grows, so too can your time commitment, until you find yourself operating a profitable, full-time, business.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $15+

Skill Level: 1


  • American Vacation Rental Owners' Association
  • Vacation Rental Managers Association
  • The Vacation Rental Owners Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Apartment Preparation Service

Apartment Preparation Service" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20150818212103-painting-art-wall-wood-.jpeg?width=1000

By offering a full line of services that includes painting, carpet cleaning, minor repairs, and trash removal, you can help busy landlords and property managers properly prepare an apartment for rental, making sure it's in great condition so they can rent it for top dollar. Advertise your apartment preparation services in traditional ways by joining landlord associations, contacting property management services, and calling on apartment rental offices. On average, you should be able to charge in the range of $25 to $35 per hour, plus materials and markup. The benefits to landlords are obvious: the better the condition of the apartment, the higher the rent will be, probably attracting a more conscientious renter. And of course, there will be much less work for the landlords. In short, landlords will easily recoup your fees and more through higher rents. You will need to invest in suitable transportation and equipment such as ladders, steam cleaners, and vacuums, but these are all relatively inexpensive and an investment of less than $10,000 will be more than sufficient.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 2


  • Association of Certified Handyman Professionals
  • National Apartment Association
  • National Association of Residential Property Managers
  • National Property Management Association
  • Small Property Owners Association

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Pet Products Manufacturing

Pet Products Manufacturing" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731115539-graphicstock-pretty-ouong-woman-with-red-hair-sitting-with-her-dog-and-looking-far-away-isolated-on-orange-background-bd4kiqauhx.jpg?width=1000

Americans spend more than $13 billion every year on products for their cherished pets, and this market is open for clever entrepreneurs who design, manufacture, and sell all sorts of products for pets. What types of pet products can you make? Anything from furniture and clothing to memorials and toys. The granddaddy of them all is healthy pet treats from your own homebased bakery. For the most part, no special skills are needed because with a little practice, all of these products are very easy to make working from a small home workspace with basic tools and equipment. Sell your pet products online via Etsy, eBay and your own website, and in the offline world at pet fairs, craft shows, and farmers' markets, There is also great potential to build a wholesale arm of the business by contacting pet product boutiques, pet shop retailers, veterinarians, and groomers to carry your products or at least accept consignments to test the waters.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 1-2


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Liquidated Inventory Sales

Liquidated Inventory Sales" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170619063509-shutterstock-2322414191.jpeg?width=1000

Savvy entrepreneurs can earn a bundle by buying liquidated inventory and government surplus equipment at dirt-cheap prices and reselling it at staggering markups. Retailers, distributors, and manufacturers liquidate inventory for any number of reasons — the products are slow moving, out-of-season, or damaged, or the company is relocating, merging, or going out of business. In fact, billions of dollars worth of inventory becomes available every year at fire sale prices. The best types of liquidated inventory to purchase are power and hand tools, films on Blu-ray, toys, kitchen and bath accessories, fashion accessories, and electronics. Stay clear of products that have limited shelf life or special warehousing and transportation requirements. Products can be resold for a profit through eBay and other online marketplaces, at weekend flea markets, and to dollar store retailers, flea market vendors, and eBay sellers.

Purchasing government surplus and seized merchandise for pennies on the dollar of the original value and reselling to consumers at marked-up prices can also make you a great profit. Government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), U.S. Marshals Service, and the U.S. Treasury Department often sell off used and surplus equipment, as well as items seized for nonpayment or for criminal activity, through auction sales and sealed bid tenders. Items that are routinely auctioned by government agencies include computers, real estate, automobiles, machinery and tools, jewelry, furniture, electronics, and boats. Sell the larger items you buy from home using Craigslist and other classified ads and through eBay and the smaller items at weekend flea markets.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: Varies

Skill Level: 1


  • Liquidation.com
  • Walmart Liquidations
  • Wholesale Forum

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Vending Cart Business

Vending Cart Business" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20170731115909-colorful-t-shirts-mkwcvv.jpg?width=1000

Big bucks can be earned full- or part-time buying products such as T-shirts, crafts, art, jewelry, sunglasses, watches, souvenirs, umbrellas, and hats at dirt-cheap wholesale prices, and reselling them for a profit from portable vending carts. If you plan on selling from public lands and buildings, you will need to contact your local city or municipal government to inquire about street vending opportunities. On federally owned lands or buildings, contact the U.S. General Services Administration to inquire about opportunities. In addition to a vendor's permit, you may also have to obtain liability insurance, a health permit, and fire permit depending on goods sold. Vending permits, however, usually are not required if you operate from a privately owned location such as lumberyard or car wash parking lot.

Before you decide what type of product(s) to sell, do the rounds. What are other vendors selling? Who is the busiest? Which days are they busiest? Who are their customers? Duplicating a successful business model is one of the easiest ways to eliminate or substantially reduce financial risk. Vendors can work from portable kiosks and pushcarts or right from a suitcase depending on what they sell. Depending on your budget, you can rent, lease, or purchase new and used pushcarts and kiosks, which come in many styles and price points. Some are motorized or pedal-powered, while others can be towed behind vehicles or placed on a trailer for transportation. Also be sure to invest in wireless payment processing technology so you can accept credit cards and debit cards on site. This gives you a huge competitive advantage over vendors who do not offer these payment options, greatly increases impulse buying, and reduces the risk of theft because you have little cash on hand. Remember, vendors are never wallflowers. You must love what you do and what you sell and be extremely comfortable talking with people.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $25+

Skill Level: 1


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

3D Printing Service

3D Printing Service" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160317193046-3d-printing.jpeg?width=1000

One of the most exciting new technologies in recent years is 3D printing. A 3D printer takes a 3D design and brings it to life, layer by layer. It allows inexpensive prototyping as well as creating manufactured goods one by one. Everything from jewelry and toys to technology gadgets (like tripods) and machine parts can be created with a 3D printer. You can purchase a 3D printer for as low as a few hundred dollars up to thousands of dollars, so your investment will depend on the size of the objects you wish to print and the materials you wish to offer. The market is wide for such a new service. You could print creations for local jewelry and toy designers or focus on business customers, creating unique licensed trinkets. Machine shops could prototype new parts using your service. The sky is the limit. This is a relatively new business model, so be prepared to break new ground get deeply involved in the 3D printing world, learning about different printers, rendering software, materials and more.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: varies

Skill Level: 2-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

App Developer

App Developer" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20160519140527-shutterstock-250627222.jpeg?width=1000

Thousands of apps are added to Apple App Store every day. With around 80 percent of U.S. adults owning a smartphone, it's no wonder that so many app developers can find new ideas to build. You can get in on this booming market regardless of whether you can code. If you have a background in web or software development, you should easily be able to pick up on the nuances of coding an app for Android or Apple iOS devices through books and online learning. If not, you can outsource the work, either online or to local developers in your area. App developers make money either by selling the app for a basic price, as "freemium" — which is free but has additional features a user can purchase — or for free but supported by advertising. What is important is the strength of your app idea and your marketing program. With so many new apps, it may get lost in the crowd. It's key to have a marketing plan and marketing budget in place once you've developed your apps. You want to find a niche, optimize your products for the Apple and Google Play Stores, and create a social media and public relations campaign to get people talking.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: varies

Skill Level: 1-4


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Marketing Consultant

Marketing Consultant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131205914-GettyImages-919447182.jpeg?width=1000

Image credit:

Westend61 | Getty Images

Let's face it: Without marketing, businesses cannot survive, so it is no surprise that topnotch marketing consultants are in high demand. If you are an experienced marketer, the time has never been better to put that experience to work leading other businesspeople down the path to marketing success. Marketing consultants offer a wide range of services, including developing marketing plans, establishing marketing budgets, hiring and training salespeople, and developing advertising, telemarketing, and direct marketing programs to meet each client's needs and budget. Marketing consultants also help businesses expand into new markets and even new countries, as well as build new distribution channels and profit centers. In short, marketing consultants are the jacks-of-all-trades in terms of helping clients build their businesses, revenues, and profits. Market your services through networking activities, and by setting appointments with business owners and managers to explain how your services will benefit and ultimately profit their business.

At a Glance

Investment: Under $10K

Rate: $50+

Skill Level: 2


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Virtual assistant

Virtual assistant" src="https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20190131210052-GettyImages-117845406.jpeg?width=1000

Image credit:

Tim Robberts | Getty Images

Whether it's customer support, website design, calendar management and travel arrangements, keyword research, bookkeeping, data entry or video and photo editing, you could offer your help to potential customers as a virtual assitant. 

At a Glance

Investment: Under $1,000

Rate: $15

Skill Level: 1-3


63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

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